Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Miscellaneous 42 (Murkowski, Olbermann, Hannity)

1) Looking for one Republican who isn't afraid of Sarah Palin? You needn't look any further than Mrs. Palin's own back-yard. Yeah, that's right, folks, I'm talking about Lisa Murkowski. According to the current (and, yes, I'll say it, future) Senator, "I just do not think that she (Mrs. Palin) has those leadership qualities, that intellectual curiosity that allows for building good and great policies.....I want somebody that goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning thinking about how we're going to deal with our national security issues, how we're going to deal with our economy, how we're going to deal with providing better education or peace in the Middle East."...Ouch, huh? Oh and, yes, here's to hoping that this is just the beginning. I mean, seriously here, don't the Democrats deserve a Republican that does to fellow Republicans what Senator Lieberman has been doing to them? It's only frigging fair, no?............2) Edward R. Murrow covered the London blitzkrieg in 1940 - out on those very same London city streets, day after day after day. What, folks, has Mr. Olbermann ever covered (other than his ass, I'm saying)? I mean, seriously here, has he ever even been out of the studio?...That, me-buckos, is at least one major distinction between these two news "reporters".............3) And then, of course, there's also Mr. Hannity. I mean, have you seen this guy lately? He's suddenly become this strongly principled libertarian dude. "How dare those miserable TSA workers take to violating our privacy (I'm paraphrasing here)." It's like, where in the hell did this come from? I certainly don't remember him being concerned about civil liberties during the Bush administration; warrantless wire-taps, etc.....Oh well, so much for this mamby-pamb/blankety blank being a principled conservative.


  1. The only problem with a "Republican Liebermann" will be the howls of traitor coming from the right. Same as the dems did to Joe.

    Happy Thanksgiving Will!

  2. I gotta be honest with you, double b. There is nothing that I personally like better than a good cat-fight. And, I'm telling you here, this Palin/Murkowski scrum could end up being an epic....I'm hoping anyway....Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

  3. You know I did my best to like Bristol on "Dancing With the Stars", I think the media has given her a raw deal in many respects but her last comment about rallying her supporters to "give the finger" to the people who hate her mother was over the top.

    I don't and never have hated her mother. I do think Sarah is totally unqualified to be a county dog catcher much less be president. And that she makes George W. Bush look like a astrophysicist. The same can be easily said about many liberals and hell, by many people posing as "professionals" such as lawyers and doctors today.

    So I am looking forward to the Palin/Murkowski cat fight.

  4. Palin/Murkowski goes way back,its nothing new.Palin beat Murkowski's father out of the governors job,she came from nowhere to do it.Murkowski was handed the senate position by her father,The Murkowski's view themselves as the Kennedys of Alaska.Murkowski is really troubled by Palins power within the republican party....seeing that Murkowski has none herself and at this point few friends.

  5. We dont want Joe Liebermann....nor do we want his two buddies John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

  6. I'm not entirely sure just how much power Palin herself has, Russ. A lot of the individuals that she ended up backing lost. In fact, one could easily say that the Republicans might have won the Senate, too, IF NOT FOR MRS. PALIN......And, besides, Murkowski seems to have a lot more going on between the ears (though, yes, I could definitely be influenced here by the fact that she seems to be more MY type of Republican).......Belated happy holiday, Russ. You, too, wd, Volt, Linda, SF, anonymous, Truth, etc..

  7. Palin's ability to raise massive ammounts of money for the party make her powerful Will....money does indeed talk in politics.

  8. No argument there, Russ. The woman can definitely raise money.

  9. This is, by far, your lamest anti-Olberman argument yet. He hasn't put his life in danger to cover a story, so he isn't a "real" reporter? I'm sure that if Mr. Olbermann did decide to report from a war zone that you'd criticize him for that as well (a former sports reporter desperately trying to prove he's a "real" journalist?).

    FYI, the guy has a political OPINION show (and a damn fine one at that). Formulating political opinions doesn't require you to put your life in danger. For you to suggest otherwise is completely idiotic.

  10. I wouldn't criticize Olbermann for doing some serious journalism. To the contrary, I would praise him. When people do good things, I give them credit for it. I really don't care if their names are Olbermann, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc..


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