Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Miscellaneous 39

"False equivalence" is one of those phrases that Olbermann and Maddow have been utilizing a lot lately. They especially like to use it against people like me - people, folks, who've taken their criticizing, not only Fox for it's increasingly divisive/partisan presentation but to MSNBC for its (indiscretions). Olbermann and Maddow feel that we have unfairly lumped the two cable news stations together and that there is literally NO comparison. They're the good network, the network of truth, a network that, even though it does in fact have a viewpoint, is an operation that is solely determined by facts. Fox, they on the other hand, are strictly a propaganda wing of the Republican Party that a) lies profusely and b) engages in character assassination. There isn't, in other words, any equivalence...................................................................................................Of course, it is getting harder for them. This, folks, in that, not only have Jon Stewart and the folks at "Saturday Night Live" taken them, MSNBC, to task but, so, too, have such journalistic stalwarts as Campbell Brown, David Zurawick, Howard Kurtz, and Ted Koppel. Hell, folks, even Senator Jay Rockefeller has taken note of their mean-spiritedness and called them on it. It's like, what, all of them are full of bull-crap, too?......................................................................................................And, really, what if they're at least partially right about Fox being worse than them, more depraved, etc., does that in any way signify that they've been good? Of course, it doesn't. It doesn't, for instance, change one iota the character assassinations that Mr. Olbermann perpetrated on David Zurawick, Senator Brown, etc., the bald faced lies that he told about Major Jacobs, Joe the (admittedly mentally challenged) Plumber, etc.. And it certainly doesn't change the absolutely bald-faced lie that Maddow recently told about Congressman Stockman (her saying that he had received advance notice that the Oklahoma City bombings were going to happen)......................................................................................................How 'bout this for a compromise, folks? On a scale of 1-10, Fox is a 2, MSNBC, a 3.5.


  1. The folks at MSNBC are in for a bit of a jolt in the ass when Comcast takes over.

  2. I hope they keep Matthews. Say what you want about the fellow, his shows are almost always compelling.

  3. Two quotes by Jon Stewart from the Rachel Maddow interview...

    "I love the voices that I hear on MSNBC...".

    "I'm going to say something, and you can edit this out... I like you [Rachel Maddow]".

    I just rewatched the interview, and made a few notes while I did. Mr. Stewart actually did utter these two quotes (I'm not making them up).

    As for Rusty's prediction... I hope he's wrong, but I fear he's right. BTW, the ONLY reason for Comcast to get rid of anyone in the evening lineup would be for political reasons. I brought this up in a prior thread and Rusty insisted I place my tinfoil hat on my head and await the mother ship.

    In other words... it was a conspiracy theory when I mentioned it...

    If they get rid of anyone I think it should be Matthews. Although I understand why you would find his middle of the road dullness "always compelling"... I find Olbermann and Maddow much more compelling.

    BTW there literally is no comparrison between Fox and MSNBC.


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