Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This, folks, from the recently defeated Tea Party candidate, Christine O'Donnell (excerpted from an interview with right-wing radio host, Mark Levin, and taking place during her Republican primary run against Mike Castle): "You know, these are the kind of cheap, underhanded, unmanly tactics that we've come to expect from Obama's favorite Republican, Mike Castle....You know, I released a statement today, saying, 'Mike this is not a bake-off, get your man-pants on'." Wow, huh? Talk about sleazy. And it's not like this was the only homophobic parley that was directed toward Castle. O'Donnell backers had on several previous occasions implied (not to mention, spread rumors and innuendo) that the former Congressman and Governor was gay. And to think that there are still people out there who were caught off guard when the woman got routed in the "general"...................................................................................................Of course, it wasn't just O'Donnell who was spouting this crap. You also had Palin (saying that President Obama didn't have "cajones") and the barely sentient Angle (telling Harry Reid to "man up") spewing similarly. And, really, think about it here for a second. What if the frigging shoe were on the other foot; male candidates telling female candidates to act 'like a lady"? I'm thinking that we'd all be going majorly ballistic...............................................................................................P.S. Oh, and, yeah, for the record, it was this triumvirate, Palin, O'Donnell, and Angle, who were more-so showing the cowardice; Palin quitting the Governorship and all of them avoiding the media (Angle literally running from it). They, folks, were the ones who really needed to "man-up".


  1. Can politics devolve anymore? Wait, don't answer that,I wrote a couple of stories about a Second American Civil War.

  2. The White House spin machine is out in full force saying Obie got 12 stitches in his lip from an elbow while playing basketball....TMZ got the real scoop...seems Michelle hit him in
    the mouth with a frying pan.

  3. While some people say that it's always been this way, double b (Hamilton vs. Jefferson/Burr, Cleveland vs. Harrison, etc.), I don't know, to me, it in fact does seem worse. I still, for instance, remember those 1984 Presidential debates between Reagan and Mondale, and of just how civil they were (a huge difference from what we have now with Palin, Grayson, Bachman, Angle, etc.)......Interesting scoop, Russ. I'm telling you, though, I'd still rather live with Michelle than Hillary. At least from what I've been able to decipher, the latter used to beat Mr. Billy-Bob badly.

  4. STILL denouncing Grayson for his supposed "out of context" quote of Daniel Webster? The ad was accurate. It wasn't "out of context". Webster does believe wives should submit to their husbands. This is a FACT (all the evidence was included in the post I wrote for my blog).

    It baffles me why you're continuing to slam a guy for DARING to warn voters of his opponent's unbelievably anti-woman beliefs. I am sickened that this Neanderthal (YOUR description of Webster) actually won. It's a travesty, and a setback for women all over the United States.

    Yet... the only individual in the race for Florida's 8th district seat that you've criticized is Mr. Grayson! You even tempered your labeling of Webster as a "Neanderthal" on my blog by first writing that "he MAY be" -- as if it isn’t extremely evident that he is. Not a fan of equal rights for women, Will?

    Other than your wrongful inclusion of the honorable Mr. Grayson in your list of liars I agree with your post.

    As for Rusty's comment -- he's trolling, as usual. Obviously it's the best he can do when valid criticisms of the politicians he supported are voiced. I think it may be time to ban him. I would if it were my blog -- the guy hardly ever posts an ON TOPIC comment.

  5. It also seems Grayson's "taliban Dan" campaign ad kind of backfired on him.Or were the Florida 8th voters just poorly informed....yea that must be it....could'nt be the candidate was a friggin moron.

  6. wd, you and I are never going to agree on Mr. Grayson.....In my opinion, it is wrong to splice and dice a person's comments. If in fact Mr. Webster is as bad as you say that he is (and, yes, maybe he is), then I'm sure that Mr. Grayson could have found some COMPLETE quotes to share with his constituency.....Me - I probably would have voted for "none of the above".


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