Saturday, November 6, 2010

"It's About Time That Those Mother Effers Ate a Little Crow"

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what's your reaction to those Texas Longhorns being only 4-5 so far this year?"


  1. My reaction would be, "didn't know, don't care". You're talking about a college football team, right? (I'm not sure).

  2. Wd's only interest is saving the world from injustice...there's no time for frivolities like sports.

  3. A world without frivolity (college pigskin, classic movie babes)? I simply cannot comprehend it.

  4. For the most part its sucks because Texas A&M is 6-3 overall.

  5. You know what might hurt even more to 'em, double b? TCU - 10-0 and #3 in the country. THAT has got to sting!

  6. I partake in the frivolities that interest me. Your frivolities are incredibly boring. Why the hell should I care who wins if some people I don't know play a game that's extremely dull? (or beat each other senseless, in the case of boxing).

  7. Everybody's interests are different, wd. I don't believe that I've ever ridiculed you for not liking mine.


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