Friday, November 19, 2010

The Bigger the Fish, The Smellier it Tends Toward

The way that I see it, folks, there are at least two forms of active deception that partisan cable/radio hosts have been utilizing of late; a) bald-faced lies and b) ridiculous/asinine hyperbole (cherry-picking I consider to be much more along the lines of a passive/border-line unconscious phenomenon). Lying is obviously the more egregious of the two offenses (and, yes, let us hope, too, the lesser utilized) and, yes, it needs to be castigated whenever in fact its detected. But, I also have to admit it to you here, folks, all of this hyperbole is really starting to get to me, too................................................................................................Take, for example, this little (very little, actually) kernel of "truth" from my brand-new best bud, Rachel Maddow. Maddow, in characterizing the career of soon to be retiring Senator Evan Bayh, referred to the fellow as a person with NO legislative record, and a dude who has also, since he announced his retirement, done "nothing" but "bash" his fellow Democrats. It was an absolutely ludicrous statement/accusation. But, because it also happens to be her perception of things, you can't really call it a lie................................................................................................And, please, don't get me wrong here. I am not in any way saying that this a tactic specific to Maddow only....or even to all of these partisans in general. Not at all. Hell, folks, we ALL do it from time to time. All that I'm saying that they seem to do it more so - to the point of it being a staple, I'm saying....................................................................................................P.S. Just for the record, some of Mr. Bayh's legislative accomplishments include a) the first ever property tax deduction for home-owners who do not itemize, b) a new federal enforcement network to crack down on foreign competitors who are stealing American innovations through piracy and counterfeiting, c) trade adjustment assistance for workers who have lost jobs when U.S. companies move operations overseas and/or close do to foreign competition, and d) a bill to improve pediatric health-care. He has also been a strong voice against pork-barrel spending....Why don't we just face it here, folks. Mr. Bayh is a dreaded moderate, and that's the reason why Ms. Maddow unloaded upon him - purely and simply.


  1. You know the dems can blast the Tea Party as being far right wing all day long but it seems they have purged themselves of the moderates and most of the blue dogs.She's been on Evan's case for some time think you hit that nail right on the head....he's the dreaded moderate.I've always found him to be quite reasonable and the people in his state love him just like they did his father.Maddow has no concept of what goes on between the mountains.

  2. It seems like she only goes after people who don't fit the narrative. Remember how she went after Bart Stupak back when it looked like he wasn't going to vote for the health-care bill; investigating the daylights out of the fellow, etc., and then dropping her investigation when he decided that he would vote for it after-all?


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