Friday, October 15, 2010

A Much Needed Break From the Monotony

Chris Matthews has ruffled quite a few of feathers over the years - on the right AND on the left. I mean, yes, the fellow has basically gotten his bread buttered as a Democrat/liberal, but, I'm telling you, the overall thrust of his career is one that could hardly be called linear. And that absolutely includes now. His latest deviation occured just last week. He had's Joan Walsh on - who, in her typical partisan manner, started spinning hard for Connecticut Senate candidate, Dick Blumenthal; posing that it was a stretch to say that Mr. Blumenthal had lied about his military service (Mr. Blumenthal has, as you know, implied on several occasions that he had in fact served IN Vietnam), implying instead that he had simply misspoken about his service. Matthews, very much to his credit, immediately shot this assertion down. "How do you misspeak on something like that?"....And he didn't let her wiggle out of it, either. I mean, I don't know about you kids, but I really and truly enjoy that level of independence. Here's to hoping that we see a hell of a lot more of THAT on cable.


  1. It's been my experience that military service is best understated during campaigns Will.

    It's good on a resume and we all of course honor our Veterans. The thing is though you're not running for general. You're running for senator and what you can do for John Q. Public. Centering a campaign on one's service in the military more often leads to defeat and wondering why people don't like Veterans.

  2. I'm voting for John Mertens. The dude has a PhD from Stanford and teaches engineering at Trinity.....And I actually think that he might be telling the truth.

  3. Blumenthal is an ass, misspeaking multiple times is lying. But to be fair, Hillary still wins this contest in my book with her claim about flying into Bosnia under sniper fire.

  4. I totally forgot about that one. Now THAT was a whopper!

  5. You want an insight into Blumenthal,read Ann Coulters (yea I know)article this week.You can say what you want about her but she does write rather well and does her research.


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