Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Gross" Tonnage

The Live Earth Concerts of 2007 were supposed to educate the public as to the dangers of worldwide global-warming. Were they at all successful in accomplishing this?....I don't know/couldn't tell you. I mean, my suspicion is that they probably had but a marginal effect. 1) The viewership was significantly less than what was expected. And 2) there really hasn't been much in terms of substantive change since the events...........................................................................................So, having said all of this, what in fact was the REAL net result of these 2007 concerts? Hm. How does 100,000 tons of emitted CO2 sound? Yeah, that's right, folks, these supposedly environmentally friendly concerts emitted more CO2 gasses (i.e., from the traveling, the set-up, the electricity used during the shows, etc.) than a fleet of 2,000 Humvees would in an entire 12 months. Yikes, huh?....Let's just say that the road to this hell is more than likely paved with some pretty massive tire-tracks/egos.


  1. They say that, what, the ends justify the means? What do they call it when the ends aren't at all served by the means? Stupidity? Hypocrisy? Hubris? A combination of the three? I'm curious.......A noble attempt?

  2. Being a liberal means that your intentions were good, and it's evil to discuss the outcome.

    They mean well, you're just supposed to ignore the fact they never ever get good results.

    It isn't really supposed to help anyone anyway. It's just to show they're better people than us.

    It's like that guy with all the magnetic ribbons on his prius. He obviously cares more than you do.

  3. Another example, Volt, might be the decision to eliminate DDT in Africa. Yes, there may in fact have been fewer people poisoned as a result of this. But at a cost of what, millions and millions of people dying from malaria? We absolutely have to be smarter here.......In all honesty, Volt, I DO consider myself an environmentalist. I want nothing more than there to be less pollution and more conservation in the world. But we also have to engage in policies that are intelligent/cost effective. We really don't have any kind of option, in my opinion.


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