Tuesday, October 5, 2010

From the Esteemed Keyboard of One "ChickenNGravy"

This is a comment that I recently plucked from a "Huffington Post" article. Please, check it out for a minute................................................................................................."Oh please, why all the constant whining about O'Reilly? His show is commentary and the only show on Fox I can sit through. He has guests all show long with differing opinions and lets them have their say. Today's guests included the President of La Raza and reps from the NAACP....O'Reilly just doesn't agree with progressive policies - so what?"............................................................................................My response? I hate to say it here, folks, but there really isn't a whole hell of a lot about that that I can disagree with. I mean, sure, he does tend to slant to the right and probably does have more in terms of conservatives on BUT, like the young fellow seems to indicate, compared to a lot of those other talking heads on cable news, talk radio, the blogs, the rags, etc., damned if he, O'Reilly, isn't rapidly becoming one of the more tolerable ones. Who'd have ever thunk THAT, huh?


  1. Stewart nailed it when he said O'Reilly was the left wing of Fox. Although I would still say he more than just slants to the right.

  2. Roger that, Beach. Hart is just bending over backward trying to be an even-handed BROKER.

  3. What else did he say, double b, that he was the skinniest kid in a fat camp? Yeah, his sensibilities are definitely more on the right (ESPECIALLY when it comes to the ocial issues) but at least he gives the other side a venue from time to time. A lot of these other shows don't even do that......Not, though, Vig, to the point where I'm saying things that I don't mean.

  4. I STRONGLY disagree with your diss of the comment from the "esteemed" "ChickenNGravy" of the Huffington Post.

    Or, I'm guessing I probably would. Where is the comment you "plucked" from the HP article? Unless I'm missing something -- I don't see it.

    Did Beach Bum see it?

    In any case, O'Reilly is a blowhard, a pervert and a bully. I would never compose a post for my blog indicating I thought he wasn't all that bad.

  5. You strongly disagree with my dis? I wasn't dissing it. I was agreeing with it......Are you implying that I made this quote up? Seriously? Cuz, if you are, then we have some major league problems here, my friend.

  6. Sounds like something a Republican or moderate infiltrator would say.

    Are you sure you don't post on the HufPo using the handle "ChickenNGravy"?

  7. I'm positive. You know, you really ought to me a little bit more careful with these accusations/innuendo of yours. I've never posted on Huffington Post and it's doubtful that I ever will. I was researching the Rick Sanchez story and I ended up on that particular site.

  8. Here are a couple of comments I just plucked from the HuffPo website...

    HUFFPOST SUPER USER suzjazz said... "It's about time Olbermann and Maddow got the recognition they deserve. They are the most intelligent, well-informed political talk show hosts on TV". (comment posted 12:17 AM on 10/01/2010).

    The comment was left in response to the following story... "White House Praises MSNBC's Olbermann & Maddow: Invaluable".

    And, in response to the HuffPo story "Jon Stewart To Bill O'Reilly: On Fox News You're Left-Wing", okakura said... "Again, O'Reilly comes unarmed to a battle of wits. Game, set, match: Stewart". (comment posted 2:05 AM on 9/28/2010)

    Also, in response to the chickeNgravy comment that you agree with, HUFFPOST SUPER USER CATNIP1 said, "Bill O'Reilly never lets anyone with an opposite opinion get through their statement, without cutting them off. He denigrates his "guest" and talkes over them with sarcastic remarks. This is what he does... (comment posted 11:28 PM on 10/01/2010).

    My response? There really isn't a whole hell of a lot about any of these comments that I can disagree with me-buckos. BTW, my previous comment wasn't an accusation, just an observation. The chickenNgravy comment sounded a LOT like something you would say.

  9. Catnip1 is entitled to his/her opinion. I myself don't think that O'Reilly is anywhere near as bad as he used to be in this regard (interrupting people, etc.). Same with the other people whose comments you listed. Their opinions are their opinions/perceptions, not mine. I would only add that I am not a partisan and, yes, because of that, perhaps I feel a significantly lesser inclination to cow-tow.

  10. An "observation"? "Are you sure you don't post on the HufPo using the handle 'ChickenNGravy'?"

  11. Of course you are not partisan, Broker!

  12. If I knew exactly what your beef was, I'd address it. But I don't, and so I can't....Are you saying that it's BAD to be even-handed and fair? Are you saying that it's O.K. for me to call Cheney irresponsible for saying that "deficits don't matter" but that it's NOT O.K. for me to call out Katrina Vanden Heuvel for saying basically the same thing?

  13. Oh come on, Broker! How can you possibly even mention The Dick and The Katrina in the same breath. Just look at them! You are a blind broker, Broker!

  14. Maybe someone here can answer a question.I was channel surfing and happened to see a guy on MSNBC I've never seen before,his name is David Korn....I dont think he's associated with the group Korn but I may be wrong.

    The question.Was this David Korn in some sort of horrific accident that necessitated the removal of his lips? Something bad has had to happen to him that resulted numerous reconstructive surgeries.Its sad for him...I mean no lips at all...just a gaping hole.I do give him credit for still going on T.V..

  15. While you're at it, give David Korn even more credit coming to him, just for being right (correct) 94% of the time. Of course our %50-%50 Brokermeister gives out equal shares to each side, regardless of merit. His comfort zone is on his fence. Not like Korn who calls them out for what they are.

  16. Thats all great and proper Vig but why does'nt he have any lips?That was the question.Was he in some sort of an accident? I'm just asking a question.You seem to know a lot about him,perhaps you can answer.

  17. Russ, I guess that Vig only likes people who agree with him 100% of the time. Kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it? LOL......And, really, the fact that he doesn't give specifics. That makes it even more difficult......"Regardless of merit". Merit according to frigging who? HIM? LOL

  18. Oh, I like you, Broker. I'm just not like you!


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