Friday, October 29, 2010

Ann Miller and Cyd Charisse (Circa 1953)

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who are the two women that you'd most want to see naked....together?"


  1. As the supreme religious authority of our corner of Blogistan I find this post disgusting and an insult to The Prophet!

    Kim Novak and a young Claudette Colbert.

  2. Kim Novak in "Vertigo"! Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Speaking of Hitchcock, boy did that fellow have some good taste in the babes; blondes (Novak, Eva Marie Saint, Grace Kelly, Janet Leigh, Ingrid Bergman) and non-blondes (Theresa Wright, Vera Miles, Ruth Roman).

  3. Once again,just to stimulate the liberals I'm going with Rosie O'Donnell and Debbie Wasserman Shultz......damn the left has some smokin hot gals.

  4. Rusty-I'd counter with Ann Coulter and Lyndsey Graham!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Removed a duplicate-or maybe some guy looks just like me using my name is copying me.

  7. How about Janeanne Garofalo and Michael Moore?

    Between the two we could siphon enough oil out of their hair to solve the energy crisis...

  8. Oso.I fully agree with Lindsey Graham,I've always believed he sat down to pee.

  9. Dennis Miller once had a great line about Garafalo....he said "rather then get another tattoo she should take the money and buy a bottle of shampoo."

  10. Janeane Garafalo - disgusting, mean-spirited, and moronic. That's no way to go through life, son.

  11. After reading the editorial pages of a few of the nations newspapers today a person would have to deduce the world as we know it is ending this Tues..

    I would suggest Paul Krugman's family (if there is one)immediately put him on suicide watch.In his column today he essential said the sun will not rise Wed. morning.

    I would not be at all surprised if Krugman is spotted out on the sidewalk wearing a sandwich board saying...REPENT..THE END IS NEAR!

  12. I run hot and cold on Krugman.At times he can give some excellent analysis-straight economic theory mind you, non political.

    Other times he goes overboard,especially like he did over obamacare.

    It's the occasional really good piece that keeps me from writing him off entirely.

  13. As you can plainly tell from my previous post, I, too, have an issue or 2 with Mr. Krugman.

  14. Will off topic-I just now saw your "Spanish silent movie" quote from Cosell.

    Had to be at least 30 years ago, Cosell doing color for a couple of lighter weight guys,both counter-punchers. Howard was doing his job, attempting to inject some excitement into a dull fight-talking up the skill of each parried hook and slipped jab. Might have sounded great on the radio but boring as hell to watch, even for a boxing fan.

    Anyway, at one point as the two were endlessly circling each other Cosell said "who booked this dog?" then said "I was?" and a whole lot of silence till the round ended.

  15. I enjoy your honest non-partisanship,Will. I'm of course ultra liberal but I'm not a Democratic partisan either, I try to stick with the issues. You know after strongly criticizing Obama (based on document policy disagreement) on Facebook I had a lady tell me to STFU and another tell me to go back to Mexico. And these were liberals.

  16. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Oso. I especially appreciate it in that most of the bloggers out there (the ones that I've been dealing with over the last three years anyway) seem to reject nonpartisanship....I criticize Obama too much/not enough. I've been far too tough/not tough enough on Muslims. Ditto, the Tea Party. I mean, seriously, is there a topic that I HAVEN'T alienated everybody on?...Well, maybe the Iraq and (ultimately) Afghan Wars. On that I've probably only alienated 50%.

  17. The Ann Miller and Cyd Charisse supporters feel you are totally impartial!

  18. I'm telling you, Oso, if I can get the Ann Miller/Cyd Charisse/their supporters vote, I would be a very happy camper indeed.


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