Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Unconditional Something

My mother was a lifelong Democrat - reliable, died in the wool, etc.. But for some strange/inexplicable reason, she also liked Richard Nixon (I remember the bumper-sticker on our '66 Beetle; "Our Nation Needs Fixin', Elect Dick Nixon"). Not only, folks, did she support and vote for Mr. Nixon, she also defended him during Watergate ("They all did stuff like this, he just got caught, that's all"). And she continued to defend him, right up until the day that he AND she died. Gee, you don't think that she had a crush on him, do you? Eeeewwww, huh?


  1. I certainly don't understand that. Another thing that didn't make any sense to me were the so-called "Reagan Democrats". However, you did say you voted for GHWB. Pick a political philosophy and stick with it I say. You can't go in one direction and then the other and expect to make much forward progress... can you?

  2. I voted for GHWB in '88, but switched to Perot in '92. I DO have a political philosophy; pragmatism.

  3. Why are you always praising WJC then? Did you vote for him in 1996? Also, how is voting for someone who everyone knows won't win (Perot) "pragmatism"? I'd say pragmatism would be voting for the canidate who most closely shares your political philosophy... and has a decent chance of winning.

  4. Truthfully, in local elections knowing that many of the candidates are as intelligent as a pickle I have written in such upstanding characters as Daffy Duck, Jim Kirk, Kal-el, and then of course Mickey Mouse.

    The funny thing is that someone wrote in Spock one time for county council. I have fantasies that it is some hot liberal chick looking for a hook up.

  5. I almost voted for Clinton in '96, but voted for Perot again. It was probably the worst vote I ever cast. But I thought that Clinton was probably going to be impeached and didn't like Dole because of the tobacco association (said that it was no worse than milk)......My admiration for Clinton has pretty much grown over time (the fact that his successor was such a scmuck, etc.).....Hey, double b, wasn't a young (and slender) Kirstie Alley a Vulcan in one of those early Star Trek movies? That no doubt would have been a very good candidate, too, no?


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