Saturday, September 18, 2010

Somewhat Friendly Territory

I'm a little bit disappointed in O'Reilly. He interviewed Sharron Angle the other night and, while, no, it wasn't the love-fest that his colleague, Sean Hannity, would have instituted, it wasn't exactly a hard hitting talk, either. He didn't, for example, press her on some of the more controversial comments of hers, the fact that she still flat-out refuses to face the Nevada media (I refer to the footage in which she is literally running away from local reporters), etc...........................................................................................Perhaps most disappointing, though, was when he indulgently commiserated with her on just what a big fat dick her opponent, Harry Reid, is (yes, he IS a dick, but that is totally beside the point), taking some swipes at Pelosi and Obama in the process. That, me-buckos, is, if in fact he really and truly wants to be seen as an impartial arbiter, something that he probably should refrain from. No spin, no?


  1. I sort of want the likes of Angle and O'Donnell to win, seeing them in the Congress would make it and even funnier place than it is now.

  2. I'd be disappointed in O'Reilly if he HAD done a "hard hitting" interview with Sharron Angle. It would show he has SOME ethics... and I'd have to rethink my position on him... which is that he's a liar, a bully, a fear monger, a self-important windbag and sexual harasser.

    Have you heard "The Legend of the Big Giant Head" by David Ippolito? If not I recommend downloading it for free here. This is absolutely my favorite political humor song.

    I do NOT want Angle and O'Donnell to win. It would not be "funny" at all!

  3. The sad thing, gentlemen, we used to have extremely intelligent women in the public arena (from across the political spectrum); Shirley Chisholm, Claire Boothe Luce, Margaret Chase Smith, Gloria Steinem, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Linda Chavez, etc.. What, pray tell, has happened to our public discourse?

  4. As for Mr. O'Reilly, I do have to give him some credit. I watch these cable shows a lot and he's definitely gotten more fair since the '08 election (he actually grilled Sarah Palin on immigration once). Still not consistent enough, but clearly better than he was (and, yeah, that's why I was kind of disappointed).


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