Monday, September 13, 2010

Miscellaneous 24

1) While I don't despise Ann Coulter as much as some of my colleagues seem to, I DO have to agree with these folks to a certain degree. This, in that, yes, it's clearly a stretch to say that this woman thinks of things logically. For instance, Ms. Coulter consistently says that it isn't "bad Muslims" (nonobservant Muslims, in other words) who we need to fear but "good Muslims" (those who do in fact practice the faith). This, me-buckos, and, yet, who in the hell did she want us to topple ten or so years ago, but Saddam Hussein! Yeah, that's right, Saddam Hussein, the absolute WORST Muslim (this, according to HER criteria) EVER (I mean, this frigging ass-hole didn't even know how many times to pray each day)!! Talk about a line of "reasoning" that just flat-out doesn't add up.......2) Hey, I'll admit it, folks. Olbermann isn't always full of shit. This, I'm saying, in that, yes, he does from time to time come out with something useful. Tonight, for instance, Olbermann pointed out that the World Trade Center buildings actually had, not one but two mosques housed in it. This, folks, is obviously important in that it flat-out shows how Muslims suffered and died, too, on 9/11.....I should probably just leave it at that.......3) I saw Patricia Neal, in "The Fountainhead"(1949) tonight. Wow, folks. I had totally forgotten just how 1) hot and 2) talented that this actress was. What a total shame that her career had to be damaged so because of those health problems. But, even so, "A Face in the Crowd", "HUD", "The Subject Was Roses", etc.. Extremely underrated, I'm thinking.


  1. Did you notice that Olbermann got canned from his Sunday night football gig? The rumble is he was so obnoxious to work with NBC had no choice or face a mutiny from the crew and on air talent.

  2. I'll admit it, folks. Olbermann isn't always full of shit.

    This goes for O'Reilly as well but a broken clock is still right two times a day.

    Sorry about showing my partisan bias but Ann Coulter is one seriously insane chick. If her and Beck had a kid it would turn out like Palpatine from Star Wars.

  3. Let's just put it this way, Russ - I wouldn't want to work with him......Double b, I can't decide about Coulter and Beck. Are they crazy. Or are they crazy like foxes? I guess that it doesn't matter when in fact people listen to them. And, boy, do they ever!

  4. The wearing of Burquas in public was banned today in of all places France.I wonder what the libs would say if that was suggested here?
    Will this ruling change how the leftys think about France?

  5. My feelings on burqas mirror those of my buddy, Truth - namely, that they should be reserved for the Roseanne Barrs, Phyllis Dillers, and (yes, Russ, this one's for you) Debbie Wasserman Schultzs of the world.

  6. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a good looking woman. I could care less if Keith Olbermann does or does not do sports reporting. I wish he wouldn't do any on Countdown, as I tune in to watch him talk about politics, not sports (which I have zero interest in). In any case, I'm sure Rusty's characterization is quite inaccurate. Olbermann obnoxious and (most of the time) full of shit? I watch him every night and I've seen no evidence that either of these slanderous accusations have any merit.

  7. These are all opinions and perceptions, wd. And, really, where has it ever been stated that we all have to like the same people? I like Clinton. You don't. So what (Rusty probably agrees with you on that one, btw). I also like Matthews. You and Rusty don't seem to like him, either. So what if I don't like Mr. Olbermann.

  8. "Olbermann obnoxious and (most of the time) full of shit? I watch him every night and I've seen no evidence that either of these slanderous accusations have any merit."

    w-dervish, perhaps sensitivity training and a laxative might help you understand...

  9. What bugs me most about him, Volt, is the hypocrisy. He accuses Fox (admittedly, with some degree of accuracy) of colluding with the Republicans. But he himself actually gave then candidate Obama campaign advice during one of their "interviews". And Mr. Schultz does stuff like that all the time, too......I'm telling you, if it were up to me, I'd have Fox and MSNBC BOTH come clean.

  10. Will,wake up to wd...he/she/it just says crazy shit to get a rise out of you and the group here...sorry it just does'nt work.

    A recent study done by the AMA stated that unequivocally there is'nt one american between the ages of 5 years old and death who has zero interest in sports.

    Last month the E network voted Debbie Wasseman Schultz the third ugliest person in the U.S. behind only Henry Waxman and the Elephant man.I guess beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

  11. I don't have very many readers, Russ. I can't afford to alienate ANY of 'em. LOL.....I do agree with you on the Wasserman Schultz thing, though. Definitely not a fan of that individual (looks OR personality).

  12. Rusty... you are full of shit. I do no such thing. I say only what I mean. I don't know what poll you're talking about, but I'm not buying that I'm the only person in the US who has no interest in sports.

    Also, I just did a Google image search for "debbie wasserman schultz" and Google said a "related search" was "debbie wasserman schultz hot". I agree with Google.

    You insulting the looks of individuals on the Left is getting really old really fast. I need sensitivity training??? Will, is that a typo or did you mean to call Mrs Schultz a MR? If so, shame on you too.

    And, btw, Mrs. Rusty, I'm a guy, which IS stated in my blogger profile, which you could have checked if you were curious and not just looking to insult me. Maybe you're the "it"... your blogger profile doesn't say what you are.

  13. wd, I was referring to Ed Schultz in the prior comment (MSNBC vs. Fox, yada yada).


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