Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bias on Bias

Sean Hannity has this weekly segment called, "The Media Mash". In it, he and The Media Research Center's, Brent Bozell (wouldn't you just love to go upside this individual's head a few times?), do a rundown of supposed liberal media bias for the previous week. And while, yes, I actually do have a tendency to agree with Mr. Hannity that the "mainstream media" does in fact tend to tilt to the left (no, not to the degree that he and Mr. O'Reilly say but, still, yes, somewhat), some of the examples that he gives of this bias are patently bogus, to say the least............................................................................................For instance, get this. In a recent clip of NBC's/MSNBC's, Chuck Todd, he shows Mr. Todd saying that the election of 2008 was about "hope" and that the election of 2010 is about "fear". Of course, what he doesn't emphasize is the fact that Mr. Todd was admonishing BOTH PARTIES for their fear-mongering, NOT JUST THE REPUBLICANS. It was, folks, typical frigging Hannity.....Now, if you aren't exactly paying close attention to...../........................................................................................................P.S. Just to be fair and balanced here, MSNBC at night hasn't exactly been a glimmering beacon of veracity, either. Tonight, just for example, Rachel Maddow kept on referring to the Arizona immigration law as an "anti-immigration law". Couple that with the fact that Olbermann never even uses the term, "illegal immigrant" (he prefers the much more politically correct term, "undocumented worker") and, yeah, shit like that, I'm saying.


  1. Two words for you Will.....Media Matters.

  2. Russ, I used to go to Media Matters from time to time (I even posted some comments). Not anymore. They, just like the rest of these programs and sites, has totally jumped the shark. Now if I want to get some decent stuff, I tend to go to Politico, the Council on Foreign Relations web site, the Brookings Institution web site, and the Moderate Voice. Places for grown-ups, in other words.

  3. I don't watch Hannity. I turned him on for a few minutes a couple of days ago. He was talking to an audience about the AZ racial profiling law. He didn't berate those who disagreed with him. It was boring so I changed the channel....................

    If I watch conservative media it's usually Glenn Beck. If I'm going to watch Right-wing pundits I want to be entertained by extreme craziness......................

    The mainstream media is conservatively biased.... it doesn't "tilt to the Left" in the least.........

    Chuck Todd has a Liberal bias? I don't think so. But maybe I'm biased by the fact that I dislike him intensely. And he seems pretty full of himself...........

    Then, on the other hand we have Keith Olbermann, who I watch because he comes across as an extremely modest and humble journalist.........................

    I guess because I trust Media Matters I'm not a grown-up?? Both politico and the Brookings Institute are Right-leaning organizations masquerading as "moderate". I've been to the other site you mention, although I'm not familiar enough with it to make a judgment call.

    Grown-up = deceived by false assertions of moderation = I'm glad I'm not "grown-up".

  4. Its pretty clear that Dervish is just writting stuff to get a response or he's a bit off tilt.

    Using the words humble,modest and journalist to describe Olbermann one would have to ask if Dervish has stopped taking his meds.

  5. Gentlemen, I think that these demarcations are probably determined on where in the hell we're coming from. wd, you're a far left guy, Hannity a far right guy. Anything that's in the middle is ergo viewed with suspicion BY BOTH OF YOU......At least that's the way that I see it.


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