Sunday, August 22, 2010

Who's Worse; Beck or Hannity?

This one, folks, was actually quite easy for me. In my opinion, Sean Hannity is easily the more obnoxious one. First of all, he's significantly dumber (not that Mr. Beck is necessarily a genius, mind you, but he does seem to be at least somewhat inquisitive). Secondly, the dude is far more partisan (yes, Mr. Beck does slam the Democrats/laud the tea party but, I'm also telling you, I've seen him rip the Republicans on occasion - there's this one interview with Michael Steele that I particularly remember - when was the last time that you ever heard Hannity blast a Republican?)..........................................................................................................In terms of Mr. Beck's persona, his constantly speaking out of turn, his ass ("Obama's a racist", for example), etc., yeah, that can definitely be hard to take sometimes. But, folks, at least he's entertaining/seems to be enjoying himself. And, Hell, he even seems capable of surprising us on occasion (his recent tacit support of gay marriage, for example). Sean Hannity - him, hm, not so much (I've never seen him stray from orthodoxy - EVER). So, yeah, if in fact I HAD to pick....


  1. Dont care....would'nt watch either Hannity or Beck....Hannity's a one trick pony and Beck is just silly.

    And yes dervish,KO is the absolute his ratings show.

  2. Hannity's the dumbest. Olbermann's the most mean-spirited. And the Beck's the craziest. Talk about a big time 3-ring circus.


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