Monday, August 16, 2010

The Truth About Consequences

I'm going to say the same thing about Elana Kagan that I did about Sonia Sotomayor - confirm her (yeah, I know, they already did). The President, folks - HE won the election, and HE won it decidedly. And, yes, because of this, he gets to choose. I mean, certainly, if he ever decided to send to the Senate one of those same caliber idiots/crooks that Nixon did (i.e., Carswell or Haynesworth) , that would be an entirely different story. But, anything short of that, I'm saying...................................................................................................Oh, and, yes, just for the record, I felt exactly the same when Mr. Bush was President. Mr.s Roberts and Alito were imminently qualified and BOTH absolutely deserved to be confirmed by the Senate - no question about it......................................................................................................P.S. I also want it noted that it was these five Republican Senators who voted yay for Ms. Kagan; Judd Gregg, Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Dick Lugar (the no votes of Bennett and Voinovich were disappointing/surprising to me). Thankfully, we still have at least a few folks in Washington who DO understand advise and consent.


  1. Hard to get too excited about her but I agree with your sentiments.

    BTW thanks for commment at Mikes, entirely accurate.

    My brain-emotion connection is kinda like a V8 without a functioning braking system. Works very well when the light turns green but problematic when it turns red.
    Later man

  2. Roberts and Alito are corporate stooges who have no business being on the Supreme Court as they don't give a damn about the Constitution. The Citizens United decision proves this.

    They would not be on the court today if they hadn't lied during their confirmation hearings.

  3. Lindsey catches a lot of crap from the far right here in South Carolina for even trying to be reasonable and I have to give him credit for that.

  4. "Roberts and Alito has no business being on the court."
    I'm going to take a wild guess here and say dervish does believe that Ginsberg and Sotomayor belong on the court without question.

  5. I like Lindsey, double b. Or at least I thought I did. Now the guy is talking about monkeying with the 14th Amendment. I'd really hate to have to add him to that list of pols who've disappointed me; McCain, Powell, Leibermann, etc........As for these nominees, wd and Russ, I probably would have voted for them all. The only one (who actually never even got to the confirmation process) who I maybe wouldn't have voted for was Meyers. She WASN'T qualified.

  6. Rusty Said... I'm going to take a wild guess here and say dervish does believe that Ginsberg and Sotomayor belong on the court without question.

    And why are you signaling out these two Justices? I'm not aware that either lied in their confirmation hearings. Is it because they're women?

  7. No Dervish,those two being women means absolutly nothing...and I'm sure you'll enlighten us on the lies told by Roberts and Alito during their confirmation hearings.Did their outright lies just skip by the senate?

  8. Well, I thought you might enlighten us as to why you singled out Ginsberg and Sotomayor, but you didn't.

    Roberts and Alito lied about something they said they wouldn't do in the future. We didn't know that they were lying until after they were confirmed.

  9. Oh....."democrats cry injustice,"
    go figure.

    They could have just said "democrats cry."

  10. I knew that you two would hit it off. LOL Felix - Oscar. Oscar - Felix.


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