Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Denny's D.C.

Where was it ever written that we all have to order our political meals off of some idiotic blue-plate special? That, folks, more than anything else, is what truly bugs me about politics/political parties. I mean, it's almost as if they want us to literally stop thinking, for Christ!.................................................................................................I mean, just take a look me, for example. In areas such as civil liberties, social issues, and military matters, I'm probably about as liberal a voter as you can get. I obviously couldn't be a Republican (well, at least not in this current environment). But, being that neither could I possibly swallow stuff such as "card check", the stimulus package, and various aspects of the health-care and "cap and trade" legislation, it's also fair to say that I wouldn't necessarily feel all that comfortable as a Democratic operant, either.................................................................................................If you're really wanting to know my opinion here, I'm thinking that this country of ours is in absolute/dire need of a viable third party - a place, folks, where the Paul Tsongases, Warren Rudmans, and saner versions of Ross Perot could find at least a modicum of comfort and, Hell, maybe even a solution or two, too.


  1. Hey Will put me down as one of the lefty Ron Paul supporters.

  2. Yeah, I'm liberal myself but I can't really go along with the black/white extremes both parties offer. I just don't think along those lines.

    Frankly, my one remaining hope is some form of third-party will appear for 2012.

  3. While watching election returns on different stations last night I did notice one very disturbing thing.

    Can you even begin to imagine how ugly the poor baby would be if Henry Waxman knocked up Debbie Wasserman Schultz? These are two of the ugliest people in america.

  4. And a public post to the people of Florida.

    What in the name of christ are you thinking when you elect Allen Grayson and Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

  5. Oso, I really admired Paul's principled opposition to the war and his support for civil liberties. His stances on domestic policy perhaps aren't as realistic (depending, I guess, on how just far along the libertarian continuum he is - for instance, does he want to inspect meat?)......Double b, I hope that this doesn't ruin your reputation but I've always kind of thought of you as an independent. Your analysis, for instance, is far too nuanced to be welcomed by either party......Rusty, you're too much. Debbie Wasserman Schultz? No, I can't say that I'd put her in my top 10, either. And, plus, she talks too way, WAY, much, too.

  6. Rusty,
    I was born and raised in LA and remember when Waxman first ran for office. He was hard on the eyes even then, but his ugliness has reached almost Biblical proportions.

    He seems to almost flaunt it.

  7. You guys do know that we're going to hell for this conversation, right? LOL

  8. Eva Marie Saint (1959) or Debbie Wasserman Schultz (2010)?.....Sorry, I just had my 2nd vodka-tonic and we all know what happens when THAT HAPPENS. LOL


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