Saturday, August 28, 2010

And it Doesn't Matter What He Says, Either

I saw an interesting story on CNN last week (maybe it was 2 weeks ago, I don't quite remember). According to one of their investigative journalists, there are literally warehouses filled with food and supplies down in Haiti. And it's damned just sitting there. I mean, I'm not entirely sure who's supposed to be in charge down there BUT, whoever it is (yeah, I know, it's probably not just one person), there clearly needs to be a change. Hows about this one, folks? Two words - General McChrystal. Yeah, I know that I've already kind of put him in charge of the Gulf and all, but just for a while, I'm saying. Just long enough to stop those poor people from starving, etc.. What do you think?


  1. I wouldn't be surprised some of the holdup is misguided security concerns.We went overboard in that direction, rerouting aid delivery to land troops in anticipation of rioting and looting. Never happened, mostly due to Haitian volunteers controlling their neighborhoods.

  2. McChrystal retired. Soon I'm sure he'll be playing shuffleboard and going to dinner at Country Kitchen in the early afternoon...

    Apparently he has accepted a teaching position at Yale.

    I didn't believe it when I read the headline. The actual story says his "seminar" would "examine how dramatic changes in globalization have increased the complexity of modern leadership". So it's not a "real" college course...

  3. Sorry, but despite my true and bleeding liberal heart sending American troops back into that country would be counter productive. Now troops from some other country, maybe Canada or France, would work but we have taken over Haiti two or three times and our efforts have failed.

    Top it all off somebody would be screaming American imperialism the minute one pair of American boots touched their soil again.

  4. I also think that we have to worry about the Tillman case. At least from what I can gather, the General may in fact have a problem with that situation, too.

  5. If one was to propose to send in troops, why not French troops under the auspices of the UN, since the people of Haiti speak french, which would help the language barrier situation. You could include french speaking Canadian troops, Belgium, Swiss, and a whole host of African which are former African colonies of France and Belgium.

    Make sure the entire command staff are fluent in French.

    This could help the people out by having them really understand the individual troops.

    An added plus is taking the load off the American military and giving the US troops a little more time at home with their families.


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