Sunday, July 25, 2010

Will the Real Adult Political Party Please Stand Up

The Republicans are flat-out full of it. This, folks, in that, yes, when they were in complete power, they never, EVER, paid for ANY of their initiatives; two long wars, two large tax cuts, an expensive Medicare drug program, etc.. And, so, yes, it absolutely does ring hollow here - all of these calls of theirs for "fiscal responsibility" (the latest one being this plea of theirs that we should "pay" for the extension of unemployment compensation).........................................................................................................But the thing is here, now we have the Democrats in complete control. And I really do have to ask these people, "instead of simply going around calling the Republicans hypocrites (which I've already conceded in spades that they are), wouldn't it be a much more mature step to simply DO what they, when they had had the opportunity to, refused to do?...............................................................................................................I mean, think about it here. We still have hundreds of billions in unspent stimulus money. Wouldn't it be a great idea to take the 34 billion out of that? Unemployment compensation (whether in fact it's a disincentive or not ISN'T the point here) is an excellent economic stimulant (far better no doubt than a lot of the pork that's clearly still on deck). COME ON, folks! What do say we all get together and do this right? Call the Republicans' bluff. Call 'em on it!


  1. I absolutely agree, but like you said the republicans didn't pay for shit from 2001 when the surplus disappeared until the were pushed from the majority in 2006.

    Not only could we have paid for the extension of Unemployment compensation with the stimulus money but there are tons of infrastructure repairs I bet it could have paid for while creating jobs, some long term, which really would stimulate the economy.

    The question of an adult political party is a mute point until we view our own congressman or woman in the same light we view all the others who we see doing nothing but bringing the pork to their homes and constitutes.

  2. I'm a big infrastructure guy, too, double b. It's just too bad that, instead of fixing all of those bridges currently under code, the money too often goes to building new bridges - often to nowhere.

  3. Agreed. The stimulus $ should be about getting said $ into the economy. unemployment and food stamps give the most bang for the buck. Also jobs creation, what better way than repairing the existing infrastructure?


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