Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This Is a Job For Kitty Carlisle

I'm still not exactly sure who the hell Mr. Romney is. Is he the social liberal - the guy who actually ran to the left of Teddy Kennedy on gay rights? Is he the rabid/hard working pragmatist/problem solver - the guy who was able to work exceedingly well with a Democratic legislature? OR, is he the far more newly minted/across the board conservative - a guy who's seemingly now even more conservative than McCain (yeah, I'm talking about the new McCain here - the non-maverick)? It's extremely difficult to tell. Hell, I wonder if even HE knows.............................................................................................Wait a minute, there is in fact a fourth category, right - the opportunist, the guy who will flat-out be whatever he needs to be in order to get elected? That's who he more than likely is, Mr. Romney, don't you think?


  1. Romney is a non-starter along with Huckelberry.Neither one of these bozo's will ever get nominated.There are way too many young,smart,vibrant conservatives on the horizon....Mitt is so yesterday.

  2. Yeah, Romney is a sleaze ball but what really got my goat was during the 2008 campaign when he was asked if he was so pro war why hadn't his sons served the country.

    Sorry, working their father's campaign is not serving the country.

  3. It sounds unanimous!.....Yeah, I remember that, double b - not one of his better campaign pronouncements, to say the least.


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