Monday, July 12, 2010

A Sprinkle of Common Sense

To those of you who say that the tea party has largely been divisive, I agree with you - but only to a point. Yes, a lot of the rhetoric has been inflammatory. Yes, a lot of the rhetoric has also been illogical (keep your government hands off of my Medicare", for example). But, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), so, too, has a fair amount of common sense been asserted at times....................................................................................................Case in point, we're currently running a 107 trillion dollar unfunded liability for Social Security and Medicare. Compare that to the total wealth of the entire United States -62 trillion. I mean, come on, it doesn't take a third-grader (or even a certain graduate/stooge from Cornell) to see that we're clearly going down a dangerous road here.........................................................................................................Now, are the tea partiers putting forth some strong/coherent policies to address these fiscal matters? If they have, I myself haven't heard them. But, folks, at least they're drawing attention to the issues. And, yes, that should count for something.


  1. Its an ill wind that blows no good but unless the Teabaggers actually come out with a plan I see little use for them.

    It really easy to curse the darkness but lighting a candle takes effort.

  2. You know, instead of a tea party movement, maybe we need a Ross Perot Book Two (a saner version, obviously). At least that way the various candles can at least get a whiff.


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