Friday, July 9, 2010

The N Word - As in Nimrod

If it's wrong (and it is) for tea party members to bring guns to their rallies, is it not then also wrong for Black Panther party types to stand in front of polling stations armed with billy-clubs, shouting at white people, inciting the black folks to start killing these "crackers", their children, etc.?....................................................................................................Look, me-buckos, I know that I haven't gotten a whole lot of traction on saying that the left can be just as vile/virulent as the right and all and, clearly/who knows, maybe I am wrong. Maybe the right in fact IS WORSE. But, I don't know, as a centrist, it seems to me like there is indeed a big bunch of nuts with varying degrees of stripes out there; Olbermann, Hannity, Beck, just to name a few. And they're all frigging spewing spite, for Christ!!


  1. Absolutely, didn't hear much of this story beyond "black panthers" figuring that anything they were involved in couldn't be good.

    But anyway this has been my concern I believe I voiced to you several times, one side starts bringing weapons to political rallies and very much like the Newtonian laws of motion the other side will do there best to have an equal reaction.

    Pretty soon we start looking like fucking Yugoslavia.

  2. I can see it now, double b, Michele Bachman in a tank.


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