Monday, July 19, 2010

Miscellaneous 20

1) There are two jobs in which you absolutely/zero questions about it/positively HAVE to stay on message; chairman of a political party and press secretary to the President. And, yes, folks, this is precisely why I want to send a major-league shout out to Mr.s Steele and Gibbs for NOT having the to have that kind of discipline. I mean, seriously here. Isn't it at least a little bit refreshing - politicians giving reporters their actual opinions when asked? Me, myself, and I - we're kind of enjoying it up here......2) One of my favorite political writers is John Heilemann. The guy, in addition to his being fairly nonpartisan, has an uncanny ability to cut to the chase. Take, for example, one of his recent comments on "The Chris Matthews Show". In describing the current climate in which the Democrats are admittedly floundering, Mr. Heilemann says that, "yeah, but the Republicans continue to give President Obama sticks in which he can hit them with." YEAH, kind of like I've been saying, huh? So then why does it sound so much better when he says it? LOL......3) The long wait is over, folks. (South Carolina) Democratic Senate candidate/mystery man, Alvin Greene, finally gave his first political speech the other day. And guess what? The dude wasn't all that bad. I mean, no, he isn't a genius or anything (clearly more of a Gilligan/Jethro/Barney Fife/Gomer Pyle than an Einstein) but, still, I ask you here - can this frigging guy be any worse than the idiots we have already.....Me, I think I'd probably vote for the guy. LOL


  1. LOL!!!!!!! I truly pity Greene, I don't know how he got in this mess but I will say a prayer for him. I am not discounting either political engineering by DeMint or plain stupidity by South Carolina democrats but he is in a world of hurt.

  2. I trust that DeMint about as far as I can toss him. He's one of those "700 Club" type Republicans. If I didn't vote for Greene down there, I'd clearly have to look for some 3rd party option.


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