Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Miscellaneous 17

1) Remember when Obama said that Bill Clinton wasn't a "transformational" President? Well, guess what. I don't think that Clinton has forgotten about it, either; the fact that he's been endorsing different candidates than Mr. Obama, etc.. Hm, can you say....mischief making/the next couple of years should be extremely interesting?......2) The Netherlands. Take it to the bank.......3) Vodka and pear nectar tonight. Don't knock it til you've tried it.......4) I said in a previous post that Michael Steele was right about Afghanistan. Let me correct that. He was partially right. He was right about the foolhardiness of an extended land war in Afghanistan. THAT he was definitely right about (and, no, he SHOULDN'T be backing down from this statement to placate Republican hawks). What he wasn't right about, however, was in calling this Obama's war (though, yes, a lot of people ultimately called Vietnam, Johnson's war and, later, Nixon's war) or that the United States in fact started it (9/11, HELLO!). That part, me-buckos, was just plain stupid. Partisan stupid!


  1. I would very much argue that this fool's errand in Afghanistan is Obama's (elective) war. I very much regret that it is, because I enthusiastically supported Obama from the beginning. Which I (still) don't regret.

  2. As much as the right wing likes and desperately needs to demonize Obama he is a babe in the woods compared to the Clintons. I've come to the point I often wish Hillary would have won, I figure the penultimate bitch would have the current republican leadership crying to their mamas.

  3. At least President Obama hasn't started to hum his policy to a Beach Boy melody yet......Perhaps if Steele had simply said, "this is Obama's surge (as opposed to war)", it would have been more palatable. Who knows, though. I just wish he wouldn't cow-tow so much to John McCain, Bill Kristol, and the rest of that neocon cabal. That, more than anything, is what really bugs me.


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