Saturday, July 3, 2010

Miscellaneous 16

1) What, pray tell, has gotten into James Carville? The fellow quite literally is making sense these days. It started with his spot-on and impassioned criticism of President Obama's handling of the Gulf oil disaster. And just last week he came out with one of the very best ideas that I've heard recently. He suggested that we put General McChrystal in charge of the clean-up operation down there. a) McChrystal NEEDS a job and b) who in the bluest blazes would be better with such an assignment. I mean, you want some serious shit done down there, right? A very good call by the Ragin' Cajun, I say......2) Note to Fox News - Michael Steele....WAS RIGHT!! The war in Afghanistan IS unwinnable. Hell, even your own military analysts (Ralph Peters first comes to mind) have come to the same conclusion. Please, stop beating up on the guy because he doesn't always tow the party line......3) Oh, wait a minute, cancel that last one. Mr. Steele is back-tracking (kind of like when he criticized Rush Limbaugh - remember?). He IS towing the party-line, after all. ORDER HAS BEEN RESTORED!! LOL......4) Remember back when Cheney made that idiotic comment that "deficits don't matter" (2002 was when he said it)? Well, guess what? He now has company in the proclaiming of such pure idiocy. Chris Hayes and Katrina Vanden Heuvel (both of the "Nation" magazine) have said (on the Ed Schultz television show) virtually the same thing (this time, though, the deficit has nearly tripled). The only thing that I can think of, folks, is "oh, how the ties that bind."

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