Friday, July 30, 2010

An Impassioned Plea to President Obama

Mr. President, Sir. I understand that you have to deliver speeches from time to time. I especially understand that you have to give a crap-load of speeches to your base (as you evidently did Thursday morning - the Urban League). But, please, if it's at all possible, could you try and give these speeches after 11 AM? This, Mr. President, in that, reooww, Chris Jansing (my very favorite news chickie EVER) is presently anchoring the 10-11 slot on MSNBC and, well, it really does kind of smash my day when she gets preempted like this. If, I'm saying, it's at all possible..........................................................................................................P.S. I sincerely hope, Mr. President, that you do not take this personally. I absolutely find you to be a good/decent man, a dedicated and faithful husband/father. Hell, Mr. President, I even voted for you - you son of a gun! But, dude, we are talking Chris Jansing here. She, Mr. President, is a goddess.....Well, at least she is for a guy my age. LOL.....Oh, and, yeah, if you don't believe me, just ask Bill Clinton. He'll give it to you big time.


  1. Here's a doozy.Remember Obie's speech on the WH lawn a couple weeks ago where he was railing against the republicans for not supporting extending unemployment benefits? While making this inspirational speech Obie had some "average" americans with him who had lost their jobs and were on unemployment.It turns out one of these "average" americans,this one named Leslie Macko had'nt been laid off but was fired from her job and was facing criminal charges.

    Is this WH incompetent or stupid or both? Who does the vetting there? These fools are scary.

  2. Like I said in a previous thread, Russ, I agree with the Republicans on this one. There's no reason why the 34 billion can't come out of the unspent stimulus. I just wish that the Republicans had shown this much fiscal restraint back when they were in power.

  3. And, no, they don't seem to be very good at vetting. Hopefully, that'll change. Soon.

  4. Hell, I'm a liberal and even I admit the stimulus is a cluster fuck. Hate to sound like a broken record but with crappy roads, bridges falling down, and the electric grid held up with 1960's bubble gum and chicken wire that money could have done a lot to improve the infrastructure and create real jobs.

    Don't get me started on the republicans suicidal urge to fund Afghanistan at all costs. Truthfully with the anti-war segments growing in both parties I'm starting to expect a schism inside both parties after the mid-terms and a blood bath leading up to the 2012 run. That is as long as the body bags keep rolling in.


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