Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hold the Fries

Have you folks gotten a load of that new meal-time monstrosity from "Friendly's"? I forgot the name of it but it's basically these two grilled cheese sandwiches with an extra large burger in between (I think that the burger itself has cheese on it). It's apparently got about a bazillion calories in it.............................................................................................................And, yes, folks, that essentially what I want to put on the table (sorry) here. It's like, what are we frigging doing - collectively, as a society, I'm saying? We've got the most expensive health-care system in the world and, while, yes, the government and the insurance companies are no doubt ripping us off, too, is not THIS type of sheer idiocy (high calories, high salt, high fat) making things EVEN worse? I mean, I know that there isn't anybody holding a gun to our noggins, etc. (and, yes, I do in fact understand and even sympathize with this libertarian perspective) but, really, a sandwich that's made out of additional sandwiches - it's almost like we're going dang nuts!! Hey, what do you say we make a reality TV show about it?


  1. Great movie. At this point, though, it appears that Friendly's may have even supplanted Mickey D's as America's number one obesity shop.

  2. Agreed on all counts man. People have to take at least SOME responsibility for themselves.

  3. it appears that Friendly's may have even supplanted Mickey D's as America's number one obesity shop.

    Not till "Friendlies" sets up an indoor playground so kids as young as two scream for McDonalds cause they get to play with their crap food.

    Mickey D's know that brand loyalty is everything and they hold that loyalty with the playground, getting kids to eat their crap for a decade or so. Most continue out of habit, which is the design in the first placed,

    .... obviously you have no children.

  4. In that respect, you're correct. McDonald's really does target kids with their playgrounds, happy meals, etc.. I was simply referring to this new product from Friendly's - a product with far more fat, salt, and calories than anything I've ever seen from a fast-food outlet. Not that any of these fast-food outlets will ever "take a knee", mind you.

  5. I really like Anthony Bourdain's approach to McDonalds via his latest book. He is using undercover tactics on his young daughter to make her despise the golden arches. Amongst other disinformation highlights is the rumor that he started that McDonalds hamburgers make you dumb and Ronald has cooties. :)

  6. I tried one of those new Burger King gigantic things a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't eat the whole thing and gave over half of it to my dogs. They thought they were in heaven.

  7. Maestro196, whatever it takes, my brother - whatever it takes......Oh my God, Mike - if YOU couldn't finish it.....LOL

  8. I may be wrong but I dont think anyone from Mickey D's has ever forced a single person to buy their products.It's America...a free country (for the time being,)if you dont want to eat there...dont.

    Just another example of the left's dislike of success.

  9. Like I said, Russ, I do in fact have a fair amount of sympathy for the libertarian perspective here (that and, clearly, I'm also a big proponent of personal responsibility)......I just think that we're all frigging going insane here - collectively.


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