Monday, June 28, 2010

Nowhere to Vote, Nowhere to Hide

I was just thinking to myself how glad I was that I didn't live in Nevada, of how I didn't have to choose this fall between an ineffectual stooge like Harry Reid and his curent opponent, tea party favorite, Sharon Angle (an intellectual lightweight who, now that she's in a flat-out general election mode, is running as fast as she can from her prior extremist positions)........................................................................................................I was thinking how lucky I was until I realized, "Hey, wait a minute, I live in Connecticut - where I'm going to have to choose between a bald-faced/dishonorable liar in Dick Blumenthal, and an unscrupulous wrestling mogul who's intellect is only marginally better than that of Ms. Angle's.........................................................................................................In fact, folks, I can totally imagine some voter down in Kentucky saying, "Man, am I ever frigging glad that I don't live in Connecticut (the sports crazy Kentuckian would also no doubt make some witty reference to Jim Calhoun and Randy Edsall)." This, folks, until that same person realizes that, "Hey, wait a minute, I live in Kentucky.....and I'm going to have to choose between....."


  1. Well, since misery loves company I live in South Carolina were I have a choice between racist DeMint and an unemployed idiot puppet who magically pulled a ten-thousand dollar filing fee out of his ass and won the election without campaigning, a web site, or even knowing which state he was living in.

    Somewhere in Guatemala is a volcanic lake that on one side lives a collection of neo-hippies and the other a Christian evangelical community. One group raises lamb, alpacas, and other farm animals and the other group takes the wool from them and makes clothes that are exported. Given the shitheads that are all to common right now that little out of the place sounds like heaven right now.

  2. South Carolina! HOW in the hell did I forget about South Carolina? LOL

  3. Good thing we've got such high caliber candidates to choose from here in California - not!

    If I might make one serious point,there is a (possibly intentional) misunderstanding that California's budgetary problems were caused by tree-hugging, endangered species protection, I don't know what else. Overconsumption of herbal tea maybe.

    The facts are much more mundane- garden variety fiscal irresponsibility on the part of both parties, partisan politics, poor legislation which kicks the can down the road-pretty much like other places. Especially those who had big housing bubbles.

  4. It sounds like we're pretty much all in the same boat, Oso (this, though I still say that Sharon Angle probably takes the cake).


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