Thursday, June 17, 2010

Having Your Cake and Comparing It to Hitler, Too

This is Glenn Beck, folks. "I'm not saying that President Obama is Hitler BUT.....", "I'm not saying that President Obama is a Nazi BUT....." And then, of course, he proceeds to turn each and every one of these "buts" into a 30-60 minute paranoid deluge, for Christ! It's like, come on here, people. Of course, you're (yeah, I'm talking specifically to Mr. Beck now) comparing him to Hitler and the Nazis, you asshole! You clearly are and, yes, you should also be ashamed of yourself BIG TIME!..............................................................................................Mr. Beck also refers to the President a Communist. And so what do you say that we look at that one, too? The highest marginal tax rates under Obama (thus far anyway, and even after the previous president's reductions run out) are going to be 39.6%. They were 90% under Ike. I'm pretty sure that Ike (#6 on my all-time favorite Presidents list) wasn't a frigging Communist. The health-care bill that recently passed the Democratic congress wasn't all that different from the Mitt Romney sponsored and endorsed MA legislation/the Republican alternative to Hillary care in 1993/the Bennett-Wyden bill that had 8 Republican co-sponsors. I'm pretty sure that those folks aren't hard-core Communists, either. Ditto, President G.W. Bush, the fellow who clearly started us down the road to this; Medicare Part D, the bailouts, etc...............................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not necessarily arguing in favor of President Obama's agenda here. Some of it kind of DOES appear like fuzzy thinking. I'm just trying to give a little perspective, that's all.


  1. I'm not necessarily arguing in favor of President Obama's agenda...

    Unfortunately, I have to ask in seriousness what agenda? I still like the guy and defy anyone to tell me senile McCain would have been much better but I am underwhelmed to a large extent with his professorial leadership. Obama has been described by others as Spock-like but seriously I find that an insult to the Star Trek character who could easily rise to meet any challenge.

    I cannot tell you how upset I was to see him spend a couple of hours at the Gulf not communicating with anyone that lived down there them flying back to the White House for a Paul McCarthy concert that night. Really bad form and just plain stupid.

  2. Your criticisms are very valid. While I initially liked some of Obama's decisions (his swift response to the Somali pirate crisis, for example), lately he does seem to be somewhat reactionary. But like you also say, would the increasingly more and more unstable Mr. McCain (2000 seems like eons ago, huh?) have been any better? Probably not.

  3. Obama's the "smartest" president we've ever god Harvard Law Review.The problem is he has zero,none,nada executive skills and its really showing.

    The other night he looked like a kid with big ears sitting at his daddys desk pretending to give a speech.

    18 months into his term and everyday he looks more and more like an empty suit.

  4. I think Obama's pretty smart, Russ. But, yeah, you're right; the lack of executive skills (not to mention overall experience) is clearly becoming apparent. Maybe there's a reason why we don't send a lot of sitting Senators to Pennsylvania Avenue.


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