Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Comeback Kid?

For a guy who so eerily resembled Montgomery Clift's character from "Suddenly, Last Summer" (yes, I'm referring to that creepy speech he gave in response to President Obama's last year), Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, apparently has resurrected himself. I mean, no, I haven't been following the Gulf oil disaster as closely as some of my colleagues have. But, at least from what I've been gathering lately, Jindal has been doing some pretty solid work. Hell, I've even been hearing some good reports from Democrats...........................................................................................Now, if you're asking me, could I ever vote for Mr. Jindal (for President, I'm saying), I don't know. That indeed could be a tough one. This, folks, in that 1) I'm pro-choice, 2) I'm pro gay-rights, 3) I'm not opposed to reasonable gun control, 4) I'm anti illegal wire-taps, 5) I'm anti torture/water-boarding, 6) I'm for a limited utilization of American military power, 7) I'm for federal funding of stem-cell research, 8) I'm for a strong separation between church and state, 9) etc. (i.e., various and other sundry topics that have always made it difficult for independents to strongly support conservative Republicans nationally). But, I'm also telling you, competence DOES count. And, yes, if Mr. Jindal continues to show me competence, I'll at least take a look at the guy. You know, kind of like what Gene McCarthy did with Reagan in '80 (I voted for Anderson, by the way).


  1. Jindal has scored some serious points in my book for his involvement, although a few thing he has said lately has seemed a little shrill striking me as an attempt to make purely politcal points. Still, Obama could take a few lessons from the guy on looking like he gives a damn. That very short visit to the Gulf with Obama rushing back to Washington for an evening concert with Paul McCarthy still bugs the shit out of me.

    Your positions on issues pretty much are the same as mine.

  2. I wish that the Republican base didn't so virtually control the nominating process. I saw Bill Cohen on CNN tonight and really had to scratch my head - where in the hell have these types of Republicans vanished to?

  3. Like the Montgomery Clift reference? LOL What can I tell you. I just gotta throw one in every few months or so.

  4. Jindal was on today...it seems the feds are stopping him from dredging sand to build barriers used to stop oil from getting to marsh lands.Looks like the folks at 1600 dont want Bobby being successful.Just a bit childish.

  5. You guys should check out a couple sites.Mediaite.com and Chickaboomer.com.I think you'd like both.Just saying.


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