Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Barring Contrary Opinion

Earlier this year (February 19th, to be more precise), former congressman and presidential candidate, Bob Barr, spoke at the yearly CPAC convention. He used the opportunity to 1) condemn the right's call to exclusively try terrorism suspects in military courts, 2) defend the United States' judicial system (civilian trials, specifically), and 3) declare that water-boarding is indeed torture. Mr. Barr was booed, and booed decidedly.............................................................................................I bring this up, folks, not necessarily to defend Mr. Barr. I certainly didn't bring it up to advocate for any singular position. I simply brought it up to show how nasty and disgusting partisan politics has become. We, folks, have gotten to the point in this debate where literally zero dissent is tolerated. Seriously - "Water-boarding is torture" ISN'T TOLERATED. I mean, talk about how far we've fallen..............................................................................................P.S. Ten days earlier (February 9th), this same Mr. Barr debated former Bush-era henchman/attorney, John Yoo. The topic of that debate was Presidential power. Mr. Barr argued against an expansion of it. Hm, I wonder if Mr. Barr was roundly booed for that speech, too.


  1. God only knows, Jack Jordell over at his blog, Saturday Afternoon Post, has a post that ties in well with yours.

  2. I checked it out, double b. Very interesting and I agree. The country literally is coming apart. Unfortunately (I'm actually old enough to remeber Everett Dirksen and President Johnson, you know, WORKING TOGETHER!!).


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