Friday, May 28, 2010

Miscellaneous 10

1) O'Reilly always seems to be bitching and moaning about "The View", the fact that it only has one conservative panelist on it, etc.. And, yeah, he's right. "The View" clearly ISN'T a fair and balanced program. But, hey (Mr. O'Reilly), what about "Fox and Friends"? That show doesn't have ANY liberal panelists/co-hosts. Where in the hell is Mr. O'Reilly on THAT bias?....Yeah, I thought so....................................................................................................2) But like I've said before, O'Reilly can also be quite reasonable. He recently showed a clip in which Obama makes light of the fact that some of the tea party protesters have portrayed him in a Hitler mustache. When Dick(head) Morris goes on to say that that was a cheap swipe at the Tea Party, O'Reilly stops him and says, "Come on, Morris, if those folks ever put a Hitler mustache on you, you'd take a swipe at 'em, too." It's like, I don't know about you folks, but THAT I find to be a reasonable amount of independent thinking. It's just too bad that Fox can't get more of their anchors to act like that.......................................................................................................3) And then, of course, there's MSNBC. Those frigging folks in prime-time are OFF THE CHARTS! I mean, seriously, can you even begin to imagine how badly that Olbermann and Maddow would have hammered Bush if it was him who'd done a fund-raiser (in California, no less) during a national state of emergency. My God! They would have eviscerated (yes, justifiably) the bastard. But, no, nothing, not a word about Mr. Obama doing it. Edward R. Murrow, my ass......................................................................................................4) Yes, folks, it probably WAS a mistake for President Obama to bring up his daughter during the press-conference; "Have you pluggged up the leak yet daddy." But, I'm telling you here, for frigging Glenn Beck to go on his radio show today and mock the poor girl, THAT is far, Far, FAR, worse, in my opinion. And, yep, it's also a pretty damn good example of why he isn't taken seriously. Glenn friggingBeck, ladies and gentlemen.


  1. O'Reilly has been moving towards moderation for the past year or so and his ratings reflect it,he's killing CNN and MSNBC...not even close,triple the viewers.

    I've been impressed by Matthew's the past month or so.I dont know if its a ratings ploy or not but he has really questioned the government response to the oil leak and he was quite moderate during the primary elections a few weeks back.

    As for Olbermann,he comes across as creepy,the stare,the goofy voices,the anger (real or feigned,)that tired "worst person" segment and that dopey sign off....on this the 18,000 day since....

    Rumor is Olbermann has pissed off just about every employee at MSNBC,except for Jeff Zucker ,who he has incriminating pictures of.The tension between Olbermann and Matthews is palpable.

  2. Russ, you may have finally been vindicated. Over at truth 101's site, a will "take no prisoners' hart made a comment. And, guess what, it wasn't me! Somebody, somehow, is playing some stunts out there - first on you, and now on me. Gee, I wonder who......As for the topic at hand, yeah, I would definitely love to get Mr. Matthews on some sodium pentathol. "So, Chris, what do you really think of Keith Olbermann?" The answer would be interesting, don't you think?

  3. Honestly I think there is more tension between Scarborough and Olbermann. I watch Morning Joe at the end of my shirt regularly and Olbermann reruns during the night when time allows during breaks.

    Okay, if it a choice between some damn infomercial and anything else I'm going for anything else, but I digress.

    Anyway, I've heard comments from both that clearly reflect some sort of verbal pissing contest.

  4. That green-room at MSNBC couldn't possibly be a pleasnat place these days. More like a frigging frat-house, perhaps.


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