Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Little Plain-Speak For the Oil-Leak, Please

The only thing that I can state categorically about the oil-leak is that each side is shamelessly and moronically blaming the other FOR IT. The left is blaming the the right for its propensity to deregulate. The right is blaming the left for its ties to the environmental movement. In the now famous lyrics of Becker and Fagen (i.e., Steely Dan), "They go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turning round and round. They go back, Jack, do it again."..........................................................................................................In all seriousness, though, we all know what we have to do here. 1) We have to continue to drill (this, in that we'll still need to have an oil supply - not just for energy, but for manufacturing, too). But 2) we also have to take further measures to prevent this from EVER happening again. And, yes, folks, this in fact may preclude us from further drilling in waters this deep (and, yes, this may indeed call for BOTH the environmentalists AND the oil companies to compromise). There, now if we could only get the politicians/pundits to take a powder on this finger-pointing shit. That, in my mind, would be a majorly healthy positive.....And, no, not a bad frigging start, either.


  1. I am about exhausted on this subject and nearly in despair. I have known shrimpers all my life and can almost imagine the depths of anger they must feel at the slimy fuckers running around pointing fingers at each other.

    Despite your point that environmentalists and oil companies need to compromise I don't see that happening. Since good old Sarah started yelling "Drill Baby Drill" polls did show a strong majority supporting off-shore drilling but if the polls I have seen are real that has slipped the other way and honestly I think will only grow.

    You have tar balls or even an actual oil slick wash up on a few ocean side golf courses or in front of seaside mansions and a bunch of WASPs that were all for drilling will suddenly change their minds.

    I would be remiss if I did not add that the people who I think will have to compromise are the "Not In My Backyard" shits that are opposing the off-shore wind farm off the coast of New England.

    Even with this disaster growing worse with no real end in sight until August or September I still feel many of the guilty will get away. Far too many dollars have been stuffed in political pockets over the years for those corner office, big money, white collar types ever to be caught. I figure one or two middle-level scapegoats and a bunch of little fish will be offered up.

  2. O.K. then,thats it....lets stop any off shore drilling....stop it more.Now lets put our cars up on blocks get a horse and buggy and head on down to the general store for the weeks supply.

    If you want todays modern way of life there's a bit of a price to pay for it. If you're not willing to except that fact go live in the woods,hunt and fish for food and sit around the camp fire.You cant have it both ways.

  3. Oh my lord,even the MSM is beginning to turn on the chosen one.Maureen Dowd,an Obama jock sniffer of the highest order today blasted him in the NYT.How the hell did the times let that story get to print?

  4. Why was'nt Barry at Arlington? Oh yea,he was shooting hoops in Chicago.

  5. You say,

    The left is blaming the the right for its propensity to deregulate. The right is blaming the left for its ties to the environmental movement.

    The way you put this implies symmetry. I certainly think the right is justifiable blameworthy for its proclivity for deregulation. But, for the life of me, I cannot see how the left should be blamed for enlisting in the environmental movement, nor how the left can be blamed for the BP disaster. I think you should clarify your thinking, Mr. Hart.

  6. Reading the Sunday editorials and watching the talking head shows it appears some of the left are beginning to realize they elected an empty suit with no executive expierence and the speeches and cool are wearing off fast.

  7. IMO there is nothing wrong with Obama's executive skill set. Many of us fooled ourselves into thinking Obama was Progressive. He's not. He's a centralist. Even If he's not a leftist leader, Obama's still a lot better than the missleader the Reich saddled the USA with for the first decade of this century. By a shitload.

  8. I don't know if there's symmetry or there isn't, Vig. I'm just saying that I'm tired of the frigging blame-game, in general. And, yes, I'll continue stand by my 2 basic premises; 1) we need oil and 2) we need to do whatever we have to do (such as no more deep-water drilling) to avoid another such catastrophe. This absolutely SHOULDN'T be a partisan issue.

  9. Oh, and as for the Republicans blaming the environmental lobby here (and, please, remember, I do not speak for the Republicans), I think that their implication is something like this; the environmentalist are the ones who are pushing the drilling farther and farther off-shore....and hence into an area that is harder to maintain/plug if a problem arises. I'm not necessarily saying that this makes sense or that I agree with it. I'm just pointing it out as a portion of the blame game.

  10. Hey Vig,could you give a brief discription of just what Obama's exectutive skill sets are.Giving speech's and shooting hoops does'nt count as exectutive skill sets.

  11. Why would you, of all people, want to know about anyone's executive skills, Rusty? You can't even spell it!

  12. Hopefully, gentlemen, this thread at long last establishes me as the moderate here.

  13. Typical lib response,throw a rock at the messenger.

    Vig,we realize you're an Obama jock sniffer but even still you should be able to point out one or two of Barrys executive skills.Come on there Vig,puke out one or two.

    Lets see,did he ever hold executive office? The majority of his senate votes were "present," thats impressive.Oh yea,there was that stretch as a community organizer,I'm guessing thats where
    Obie honed those executive skills of his.Think about it all points to an empty suit.Damn,when Dowd turns on the chosen one perhaps the emperor does'nt have any clothes.

  14. The Oil Companies were not forced to go further out, they chose to go further out rather than find other streams of revenue. They (Oil)had this same type of issue in the 70's with the exact same failed solutions in a well that was in shallower water. 30+ years later and they still don't know how to fix these accidents that are going to happen. No more drilling until they figure out a proper response. You don't hear about a wind spill or a solar farm collapse. We need to support alternative energy sources now.

  15. Looks like there's no global warming in the Gore household,more like a 10th ave. freeze out.

  16. Tipper finally got tired of watching Inconvenient Truth over and over and over and over and over again.Poor Tip,40 years with that fat boring tub of goo.I'd guess she's gonna go out on at least a two week bender.

  17. I'm totally with you on the alternative sources, maestro196. I just wish that we could get rich hypocrites like the Kennedy family to support a wind farm IN THEIR BACKYARD. And, besides, wind doesn't run an automobile. Nor can it be used in manufacturing.....But, yes, overall, I do agree with you, if the oil well cannot be plugged, it shouldn't be drilled at all.

  18. Russ, correct me if I'm wrong here, but it sounds to me like you're not a very strong advocate for the former VP. LOL.........Just for the record, I voted for Nader (let's just call it a protest vote).


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