Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finally, Some Intentionally Funny Analysis

Ben Stein came out with a good line on "Cavuto on Business" this morning. They were talking about all of those gold commercials that we've been seeing on television lately. When asked what his opinion was pertaining these commercials, Stein (in his inimitably dry delivery) responded by saying, "Hey, if you can't trust G. Gordon Liddy, who CAN you trust?" Wow/yeah, let's just say that I laughed, and laughed profusely.


  1. Saw Gordon on some television show the day, he ain't looking good.

  2. Even sociopaths (I think that he's a birther now, too)succumb eventually......Gee, I wonder if he's still doing that hand over the candle thing these days. Now THAT was creepy!

  3. How dare you denigrate a great American like G. Gordon Liddy!

    Considering the flaws most of today's heroes have. Whether it be integrity. Sexual. Whatever. G. Gordon fits right in. Unless being a petty criminal as he was doesn't meet the high standards of heroes today. In that context, yeah. Screw him. He's a clown. Sarah Palin with a mustache and penis.

  4. Limbaugh vs. Liddy - now that could get real down and dirty.....Interesting comparison, Truth. This, though I don't think that Palin is quite that diabolical. Yet.


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