Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yeah, It's a Movement Alright

My main problem with the tea party movement isn't so much that it's incendiary (though, yes, there's clearly a fringe element of it that is) or that it's radical (though, yes, there's clearly a fringe element of it that is). My main problem with the tea party movement is the mere fact that it IS a movement. I mean, don't get me wrong here. I'm well aware that a lot of important things can happen/have happened when people join forces and galvanize (civil rights, for example) but, still, I'm not so sure. In my mind, there can also be a downside to it.......................................................................................................I mean, just look at the two main political parties we have. God, if I had a frigging nickel for every time that a Democratic/Republican politician went on TV and defended the indefensible (just, folks, so that they could protect the "team"), I'd be a frigging wealthy man, for Christ! Sure, every once in a while you might see some statesmanship over there (i.e., Washington). Senator Corker, for example - he goes onto the floor of the U.S. Senate (I saw the speech on C-Span) and gives an extraordinarily bipartisan speech - one in which he actually criticizes minority leader, Mitch McConnell. Too bad, though, that, yeah, within 48 hours or so, he was back to towing the party line/narrative. It's funny, isn't it? They never do seem to stray too far from that narrative, do they? It must, folks, be kind of what Eric Hoffer meant when he said that most of these grandiose movements, no matter how flaming good their intentions may have been at the start, at some point eventually become rackets. Al Sharpton, anybody?


  1. Will,I done think anyone heading up the Tea Party ever called themselves a "movement," thats a term the media is using.

  2. That's actually a very fair point (try hearing that over at Lydia's).

  3. I dont know about how you feel about it Will,but I find it troubling a crazy bastard like that is walking around among the general population.
    We all are quick to point out the loons on both the far right and far left,but that guy is off the chart....any chart.

  4. And he's getting worse, too. I mean, who's he going to be next, Lydia's grandma?


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