Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Palin, The Insult Comic.....

I don't have a problem with people criticizing President Obama. Hell, I kind of do a lot of it myself from time to time. But, I do have to admit it here, the tone/content of a lot of what I've been hearing of late is troublesome. And, no, I'm not even referring here to those tea-party protesters. I'm referring far more to people like Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, etc.............................................................................................For instance, did you happen to hear the way that Palin was belittling/ridiculing Obama the other night; throwing around such loaded and divisive terms as "community organizer", "part-time senator", "full-time candidate", etc.? It's like, what, why can't she just respectfully debate the fellow.....and, yes, do it on the merits of the issues? That's at least what I try and do................................................................................................And, really, words like this coming from the mouth of a "serial student", "half-term governor", "Fox News analyst, etc., do they really have all that much of a punch to them anyway? I personally found them to be very UNpersuasive.................................................................................................P.S. Just for the record here, I don't think that President Obama is necessarily a genius, either. I mean, sure, he's a bright enough fellow and all but, no, I don't think that he's anywhere near the big-time heavy-hitter that his staunchest supporters make him out to be. I'm just saying that I don't think that Palin and Bachman are necessarily the ones that you really want underscoring this. That's all.


  1. While I am a liberal, I am really pissed off at Obama right now and it has to do with something I will admit is trivial when compared to the scope of day-to-day affairs.

    So, the verbal excrement of the Frozen North Trailer Trash Queen directed at Lord Brainiac doesn't really bother me right now.

    But on a bigger scale if the highpoint of political discourse from both left and right is name calling the country is screwed and it will be the people's fault, not the politicians, who are to blame for letting the shit go on.

  2. Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann in 2012. Or Bachmann-Palin. Either way. That's the dream GOP ticket. If I had a spare prayer, that's what I would pray for.

  3. Palin/Bachman 2012,

    I'd donate to that cause to watch the total meltdown of the GOP/tea bagger insanity non-stop show.

    It would certainly beat out the lame supposed reality shows or golf for entertainment on the TV, and the Nov 2012 elections would be certain from the git go.

  4. Will,
    so well put, I agree completely.I am disgusted with Obama but totally based on the issues. If these were old line conservatives who concerned themselves with issues rather than ideology;who had a decent track record and who offered constructive criticism rather than insults, I'd probably agree with them.
    instead I end up having to defend him against unreasoned teabagger assault. you know, Victoria Jackson mindless types. which is not an insult if you've heard her lately. or ever.

  5. Why the hell are you people disillusioned by "the chosen one?"
    He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do.He's spending money faster then the mint can print it,he's weakening national defense,he's giving favorable deals to unions,he's apologizing for americas past sins.

    I mean what more do you want from the poor guy....he's running wide open as is.

  6. The GOP has a great plan going.Look at every liberal blog,all of them are bitching about Palin and Bachmann,I mean to the point of foaming at the mouth.
    The fact is neither one of these gals will be anywhere near a national ticket in 2012.Of course during the next two years they will do exactly what the GOP wants them doing...stirring up the base.Which in case you have'nt noticed they do quite well.
    It really does'nt matter much if the left continues their attempts to denigrate Palin and Bachmann,the more they do, the bigger the crowds they draw,all the more dough Palin makes and more contributions Bachmann receives.
    Name one dem other then Obama who can draw over 10,000 people to hear them speak?
    Yep,these two gal's are doing exactly what's wanted of them.

  7. Come on Mikey,I suggested you either take down that picture of your wife or at least update it.

  8. For goodness sake,three weeks ago Palin drew over 10,000 people in Dingy Harry's home town.Hell I dont think the population of Searchlight is that high.

    Would you think at least a couple of them bought her book or made a contribution to the party.

    Palin is making more money then she ever dreamed plus she's doing a sterling job for the GOP.

    I just hope the lefty wing nuts continue their rabid diatribes towards Palin and Bachmann.You can almost see the old democratic circular firing squad forming.

  9. Wow,Palin drew 16,000 in Boston today.
    Keep throwing those rocks.

  10. My feelings about Palin are very complex. First of all, I think that she's hot (her and Tina Fey together - wow, now that's what I'M talking 'bout). Second of all, I DO think that she was treated unfairly at first. But, yes, now, right now, as we speak, she's coming across as just another gutter-snipe.....Here's the thing, gentlemen, while I do tend to vote Democratic, I am also a very gettable voter (just ask Jody Rell and Lowell Weicker). If the Republicans continue to put people like Palin and Bachman front and center (and, no, not listen to David Frumm, Lindsey Graham, etc.), independents are either going to vote Democratic again, or they're simply going to stay home. Either way, it isn't very good for the grand old party.

  11. Here's a news flash Will,David Frumm and Lindsey Graham are'nt the base of the party.On this point you're dead wrong,a large number of the conservative base stayed home election day rather then hold their nose and vote for McCain.
    The base of the party is the voting group that gave Reagan two landslide's and mistakenly thought Bush was a true conservative.The base was shunned by the likes of Graham and McCain.It wont happen again.
    The worst thing the GOP can do is embrace people like Lindsey Graham and expect to make gains this Nov..
    I dont think the leftwing kooks really understand the flyover american and how pissed off they are getting.
    Look at some of the leftwing blogs today,Palin drew 16,000 today and the kooks have taken it upon themselves to attack the attendee's.I honestly hope they continue doing just that and even better ramp it up.
    What the left does'nt seem to understand its not about Palin or Bachmann,its about a massive federal debt,a massive new social program we cant pay for,coming increases in taxes,continued high unemployment and a dishonest congress.

  12. And Will,we may lose your vote but a majority of americans refer to themself as conservative by nature.Look next door to you,who do you think put Scott Brown in the Senate? Independents.Who elected a GOP gov in two states? again,independent voters.Who do you think is going to run Harry Reid out of office? Yep,those pesky independents again.

  13. Russ, you mention Reagan. I'm not entirely sure that if Reagan (who I DID vote for in '84) came back to life again, the present-day right-wing would like him all that much. They'd probably see him as far too moderate. And, plus, Reagan was an entirely different politician. I invite you to look at some of those debate moments between Reagan and Mondale. It was a civil debate between 2 decent gentlemen (none of this "he's a socialist", "he's a fascist" stuff)......As for Mr. Brown up north, there's a pretty decent chance that I would have voted for him. Christy, too. The dude in Virginia, highly unlikely I could have supported him. And I would never vote for Palin/Bachman.

  14. Again we can disagree Will.By no means was Reagan a moderate.Rather he was a skilled politician,unfortunatly for the dems and Jimmy Carter they took him a bit for granted.Similar to how the left views the Tea Party movement today.Reagan tapped into the countrys discontent with the dems and Carter.Quite a few similarities abound today....a crummy econmy,high unemployment,a president many view as weak,trouble in the Mideast.

  15. Some interesting polls came out today.

    Weeks after getting his healthcare bill passed Obama's approval rating is at an all time low and over 50% of americans now reject the present reform bill.

    Yet the leftwing kooks are hung up worrying about Palin and Bachmann.

    Here's hoping they put the cherry on the sundae by launching into immigration reform before Nov..

  16. I'm not saying that I personally think that Reagan was a moderate. I'm just saying that the right of today just might think of him in that way (he raised taxes, remember?, pulled the troops out of Lebanon, etc.). He was also a very intelligent man who constantly read and thought about politics/philosophy. Compare this to Palin who comes across as very inarticulate. And, finally, he was a uniter. Reagan got tons of Democrats (the Reagan Democrats) and independents to vote for him. At this point, I just can't see Mrs. Palin doing that.

  17. Also, Russ, I want it on the record that I've mostly defended (here and elsewhere) the tea party (this, though I don't always agree with their message). When the the left has tried to vilify and stereotype them, I've tried my utmost to add some perspective. Not always successfully, but I do try.

  18. The Teaparty, with their teabonic signs, are self-limiting. They just should be stopped from carrying their fooking guns into the streets.

  19. Interesting news this morning.As the majority of leftwing kook blogs continue trying to demonize,marginalize and denigrate the participants of Tea Party rallys the New York Times/CBS News poll about the participants was released.Now,neither CBS or the NYT could ever be labeled any thing bordering on conservative,which make the poll resuts even more interesting.

    It seems Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well educated than the general public.

    Most describe the amount of taxes they pay as "fair."

    Most do not believe Sarah Palin is qualified to be president.

    84% have an unfavorable opinion of Obama.

    92% prefer smaller government providing fewer services.

    73% believe government benefits encourage the poor to remain poor.

    There is much more in the poll,but in essence what it shows is the Tea Party people certainly are'nt the gun toting rednecks the MSM and leftwing blogs would like one to believe.

    I hope the leftys continue to take these folks for granted and dismiss them as unimportant.....come Nov. they may very well realize that was'nt a wise thing to do.

  20. Really interesting.....now the leftwing kook blogs are attacking the New York Times.

    I mean,come on.Next to Mother Jones the NYT is the most liberal rag on news stands and because they print the truth the kooks start shooting at them.

    Dont these wingnuts realize how friggin stupid they look.Why cant they just say that maybe,just perhaps these Tea Party folks have a couple valid points so lets discuss them.But,nooooooooo!

  21. As usual, I'm somewhere in between. While I agree with Vig that there are a fair number of crazies in those crowds, I also agree with Rusty that we shouldn't be painting with such a broad brush. I've seen some tea party members interviewed on TV and, while I don't necessarily agree with everything they say, they seem like some pretty decent eggs. I'd certainly take them over Olbermann.

  22. I say again. I don't care about demonstrations and marches and signs whether misspelled or not. What I object to are FUCKING guns (whether loaded or unloaded) in the streets. Members of the GOP who don't denounce that are Weimar Republicans, as far as I concerned.

  23. I would agree. Keep the guns home.....I mean, it's not like Obama is trying to take them away or anything. In fact, I haven't heard him say anything on gun control.

  24. What the hell are you two talking about? Guns? There were millions out there today,did you see any guns?

  25. I wasn't watching. I was at work. But I'll be watching over the weekend. Weimar Republican.

  26. It doesn't happen a lot, Russ. But I do remember some dudes bringing guns to an earlier protest. The media, of course, underscored it.

  27. Second amendment....if you dont want a gun dont buy a gun.

    Guns dont kill people...people kill people.

    If you outlaw guns....only outlaws will have guns.

    What is it with leftwing kooks and their references to things German?Always with the Weimar or Nazi stuff.I think they are so enamored with the French they have nightmares about anything German.

    Whats the most popular saying in France?.....I surrender!

  28. Battle of Yorktown crusty BTW never served a day in defense of this country, 52 french citizens gave their lives helping create, but crusty is willing to attack France because Fox News said they were bad for not getting involved in Bush's LIES and illegal war

  29. Really? 52,wow.Are you sure?

    Was The Dark Knight of the Sith at Yorktown also?

    Was the game Mr.Potato Head patterened after you worf?

  30. Yes 52 real people, all French soldiers died at Yorktown during the battle. 134 french soldiers were wounded at Yorktown.

    The French Fleet kept Cornwall from escaping north.

    American causalities were, 20 killed 56 wounded.

    The 9,000 American forces were in the minority during the Yorktown Campaign. The French army and navy combined for over 25,000 men, while the British army and navy participants numbered over 21,000.

    Rant your angry rants at a country which didn't follow the Dunce into his optional war against Iraq, but history has proved them correct in their original assessment. The war was illegal and unjustified, and the outcome wouldn't be what Bush/Cheney and Rumsfeld all claimed it would be.

    But France helped the US gain its independence, and except for far right fringe partisans like you, that is recognized and celebrated.

  31. Good points, Clif/Bart, about the Revolutionary and Iraq wars. Let us not forget, though, that the French also gave the world Napolean - a man who clearly committed some of the worst atrocities that the world had ever seen up to that point, a man who Hitler himself GREATLY admired. No country is perfect (yeah, yeah, I know, you didn't say that they were perfect) - France, not excepted.

  32. Hitler admired Napoleon just like he admired the racists in the Confederacy which he used as justification for making Jews non-citizens like the Confederacy wanted to keep blacks as non-citizens.

  33. The anonymous person is making a real and substantial contribution to this discussion. I wish the moderator to encourage him/her to furnish a nom de plume, so that we could better reply to his/her comments.

  34. And we (yeah, I'm from up north) beat those Confederate bastardos, too. Though, yes, they (the Rebs) did put up a much better battle than the French did in WW2 (the Poles and Greeks put up better resistance)......Look, I've got nothing against the French. I (like you) thank them for their assistance in our struggle against the British. And, yes, I AGREED with them on the whole Iraq War fiasco. I just think that there's more than enough discredit in this world to go around.

  35. Hi Vig. His name (i.e., previous handle) is either Clif or Bartlebee. For some strange reason he wants to stay in cognito.

  36. Oh, I also respect the fact that the French have been able to safely and effectively harnass/utilize nuclear power. In that regard, especially, they are far, FAR, ahead of us.

  37. I really have to apoligize to worf.

    I had forgotten the story he told of how his family had emigrated from France to the states after WWII.

    According to him his family had been Vichy French after the occupation and in fact his aunt and uncle Henri and Collette Bartlebee were tried and imprisoned for being collaborationist shortly after D-Day.As he told the story his family was a bit embarrassed over the situation and fearing further government retaliation packed up what they could carry and with the help of some sympathizer's made their way to america.

  38. Second amendment....if you dont want a gun dont buy a gun.

    Liberals are okay with guns. They own'em. They don't feel impelled to flaunt them in the public square.


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