Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Miscellaneous 9

1) Back in the early '80s, Warner Brothers (the music division) decided that they wanted to pare back a little - eliminate and cast aside some of the deadwood, in other words. Who, pray tell, did these brilliant execs finally decide to get rid of in order to accomplish this? Yeah, maybe you've actually heard of one or two of these folks. Their names were Bonnie Raitt, Van Morrison, and Arlo Guthrie. Hm. Gee, I wonder how in the hell that decision worked out for Warner Brothers......2) Please, don't include me among those people who don't think that the Republicans have some good ideas in terms of health-care (health savings accounts, purchasing insurance across state lines, wellness programs, tort reform, etc.). My criticism is simply this. Why in the hell are they only talking about these things now? I mean, seriously, they, the Republicans, had six frigging years to put forth a comprehensive plan. Why do they only seem to talk about this stuff when the Democrats are trying to accomplish something? Could it be that they only want to hurt President Obama, posture like hell for the 2010 mid-terms, etc.? That's what it's increasingly looking like to me. Correct me if I'm wrong......3) It looks like some moron has just sent Senator Murray a death-threat (for her affirmative vote on the heath-care bill, I gather). It's like, what, doesn't this guy know that he (him and all of the other people that he can ultimately persuade, peacefully, to HIS view-point) can vote her out of office instead? Seriously, what in the hell is the matter with these bozos?


  1. 5 words;

    Glenn Beck on Fox News.

  2. I basically agree with you, Clif. Beck, even on those rare occasions when he does make sense, his presentations tend to be very divisive/borderline inciteful. I only ask you to peruse some of those Maxine Waters speeches from the Bush years, a couple or three of those MoveOn.org commercials from the same time frame. The left has clearly done some rabble-rousing, too.

  3. He'll ignore that Will.Those people can do no wrong in his eyes.


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