Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Long Awaited Pivot

I'd like to give kudos to President Obama. This, in that, yes, this time he apparently IS standing up to his base (though, clearly, his failure to push more strongly for a public option in the health-care debate could also be construed as an example). His energy initiative, which apparently calls for much more in terms of domestic drilling, is a definite move by him to the center. I mean, I don't know if it's sincere or not. It could in fact be nothing more than him (fresh after the left/he getting victories in health-care and the stimulus)/his administration doing a little Clintonian shifting. Me, though, I'm hoping that it's more a recognition of something that he himself has uttered NUMEROUS times - namely, that both sides are capable of a good idea from time to time............................................................................................P.S. I know that a lot of my colleagues are probably going to be opposed to this measure. And, while, yes, I do in fact have some sympathies here (the part about not being able to drill our way out of the situation, especially), my penchant remains that the President may indeed be on to something here. This, in that I really do think that a comprehensive approach to energy is wise/an extremely prudent policy. I certainly don't agree with Rush that "comprehensive" is a nasty thing.

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