Saturday, February 20, 2010

(Rules/Laws) Errors of Omission

Rachel Maddow says that she isn't "pushing an agenda" - that she's only trying to get some "useful information" out there. Hm. Of course, what she gladly forgets to tell us is that she taut she taw a putty tat, too (that and, yes, various other various sundry bits/pieces).


  1. Of course she is pushing an agenda...that's why I like her.

  2. That's probably why a lot of people like her. I myself prefer a less partisan presentation of the news.

  3. While impartial journalism is the ideal I have no issue with O'Reilly, Maddow, Scarborough, or Olbermann pushing an agenda or simply making proper observations keeping the other side in check.

    And yes I included O'Reilly, while he has lots of moments that I think he is insane the same can be said of any of the other three at any given time. But I have watched the man make insightful observations and valid points on many subjects.

    Will, you might like a guy on my blogroll by the name of Fred Reed. He considers both the left and right of this country mirror images of a prefrontal lobotomy. My point is that both sides take themselves far too seriously and have willingly painted themselves in a corner concerning their policies. They automatically oppose something just to be different from the other side.

    Because of this I think it takes an strong opposing view from the other side to point out the flaws their counterparts may be embracing. No, it isn't perfect and frankly I am very worried about the polarized condition of the country. But right now nothing else appears to be working as to address certain issues. In short both sides are blind to what they do not want to see.

    While Campbell Brown and others at CNN do a great job of trying to be impartial most of the people in this country don’t want sane and reasonable discussion. They want to blame someone and in many cases they may be right. The bias news shows offer an outlet for that rage. Ultimately, there will be a price to be paid for letting our democracy and public discourse decay so badly. How much? I’m scared to think about it.

    And to anyone who may be wondering I am a liberal, I just haven't sold my soul. That is something many on both side have done very cheaply.

  4. I've noticed that about O'Reilly, too, double b. But what I can't figure out, though, is, is he actually reasonable (as in more so than he used to be) OR does he just seem more reasonable when you compare him to Hannity, Beck, Olbermann, Limbaugh, etc.? I'm not nearly so certain anymore......Oh, and, yeah, I used to consider myself a liberal, too (and probably still am on many issues; abortion, gay rights, stem cell research, torture, etc.). But now I'm even certain about THAT anymore. Compared to a lot of what I see, read, and hear, I'm probably more of a moderate (Michael Bloombergesque, if you will).


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