Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Miscellaneous 6

1) I finally figured out something that President Obama and Ms. Palin share in common. They're both losing (rapidly, in fact) independents. And, no, folks, that isn't necessarily a good thing....IN FACT, if such a trajectory continues, you just might want to brush off the name, Bloomberg, a time or two. This, me-buckos, in that, yeah, ya' just might be needing to...........................................................................................2) I always kind of liked Tucker Carlson. One, I thought that he was funny. Two, I found him to be at least somewhat nuanced in his presentation. And, three, he appeared to be far more of a traditional conservative than he did a neocon.....Well, guess what, folks. Now that Mr. Carlson is currently peddling his wares over there at Fox News, he really doesn't seem all that funny or nuanced any more. And, yes, he even seems to be drinking some neocon Kool-Aid; talking with bellicosity about Iran, etc.. It's like, what - what the hell is going on over there? Do these people feel (or are they simply told?) that they have to be a neocon shill, JUST so they can get their face on the air. I'm serious. This, in that that's what it seems to be...............................................................................................3) I've got an idea, folks. Instead of having Charles Krauthammer and Rachel Maddow on different networks (pontificating against what is essentially zero resistance), we put them on the SAME broadcast. This, in that, yes, we just might be able to have some actual debate once in a while. I mean, seriously, wouldn't that be nice for a change?


  1. Hey bro, read this

  2. An actual debate with two real opposing points of view? An interesting concept but doomed to failure. The powers-that-be don't want debate, they want us carefully carved up into opposing camps.

    If one side should present their views to a general audience instead of the a carefully groomed choir some sort of concenus, maybe liberal or maybe conservative, might be reached.

  3. I have to agree with BB on this one. What possible fun would there be in having a reasoned debate? The MSM is convinced that hosting such a party would force viewers to watch reruns of Two and a Half Men.

  4. It doesn't even have to be a reasoned debate. You guys remember Crossfire. LOL Seriously, though (and, yes, I'm totally embarrassed to admit this), I've actually started watching Joy Behar (Headline News) at 9. I mean, I know she's a drip and all but, hey, at least she and her guests are funny.....ON PURPOSE!!


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