Friday, February 19, 2010

Less Than a Stone's Throw

Glen Beck clearly acts the fool. He does it on the radio and he does it on his Fox news broadcast NIGHTLY. And, yes, folks, because of these facts, you really don't need to lie about the guy. But lie/distort is exactly what Rachel Maddow did on a recent telecast. I site, specifically, the episode in which she took (or should I say, cherry-picked?) sections of a recent Beck diatribe against global warming and, yes, tried to make it sound as if Beck was saying that the recent D.C. snowstorm was proof-positive against the concept. Of course, what Ms. Maddow didn't include was that part of the segment in which Mr. Beck, believe it or not, sounded reasonable - you know, the part in which he categorically stated that "one storm doesn't really prove ANYTHING (my emphasis)." How convenient, huh?...............................................................................................And like I said, folks, such distortions aren't at all necessary. This, in that the Glennster provides copious amounts of legitimate fodder. I mean, it was almost as if the lady herself was being a smidge on the shady side. Hm, could THAT possibly be?


  1. I have to be honest with you, Teeluck. If it were up to me, I'd probably get rid of both of the major parties. They're just too damned focused on making the other one look bad (not that the Republican necessarily NEED help at looking bad).


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