Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Youthful Indecisions

I know that they're only 17-18 year-old kids....and that, yes, because of this, I clearly should have more patience with them. But, still, I am getting a little tired of all these high school football players verbally committing to one school and then, 2-3 months down the road, reneging and choosing another. And the fact that they get so damned seduced by bullshit, too. Tyler Bray (previously committed to San Diego State) and Corey Miller (previously committed to Florida State), for example, have decided that they actually want to play for Lane Kiffin over at Tennessee. Yeah, that's right, folks, that same Lane Kiffin who 1) failed so miserably in the NFL and 2) can't seem to keep his God-damned frigging mouth shut (lying about coaches at competing schools, etc.). I mean, it's totally amazing to me how ANY parent would even consider having their kid play for this lunatic.........................................................................................But, please, back to the youngsters for a minute. In my opinion, if a recruit isn't 100% (or at least 95-99%) sure that they really and truly want to play for Florida State....or San Diego State, or whoever, then they really need to stay UNcommitted. I mean, think about it here. The longer that one of these kids stays committed, only to pull the rug out later, the lesser amount of time that the school has to find a replacement. I don't know, folks, I think that it just might be proper that these young "ballers" learn a valuable lesson; namely, that their decisions/indecisions impact others, a whole hell of a lot of others. It isn't JUST about THEM, in other words.


  1. Speaking of Kiffin-on his way to USC. Meanwhile Tennessee is coachless just when recruiting is stepping up.
    USC has so much talent Kiffin could go 7-4 without the team ever practicing.
    5-15 with the Raiders, 7-6 with UT. Now he's coaching USC.
    Guy's the Palin of the football world.

  2. Yeah, I saw the news tonight. It's incredible. The guy keeps failing and getting promoted. And, yeah, the recruiting is falling apart for Tennessee. Brandon Willis, one of their top recruits for 2010, just signed with Buthch Davis at North Carolina. And there are 4-5 others who have also decommitted.

  3. Will I saw your comment on Mikes, about if there were an incident ?

    You would probably blame it on Al Groh. I'd blame the other Al,Davis.

  4. You're right, Oso. Groh is gone, but he's clearly not forgotten. I suspect that I'll be kicking him around for quite some time.


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