Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The (Sometimes) Gulf Between Obama and His Supporters

The President showed a large amount of class last night. Not only did he call Senator (state, soon to be U.S.) Brown to congratulate him. He also made it clear that he was looking forward to working with him in Washington (this, from Brown himself). Compare this, I ask you, to the absolutely vile treatment that Keith Olbermann leveled onto Brown. Olbermann basically did the "dozens" on the poor guy. He called him a racist, a homophobe, a sexist, a supporter of violence against women, a tea-bag candidate - essentially everything, folks. To say that this segment was an uncomfortable one to watch is really understating it. I myself literally cringed...........................................................................................This, of course, isn't to say that Senator Brown ran a perfect/totally kosher campaign. He didn't (none of them do). But, then again, neither did Martha Coakley (Brown's Democratic challenger). This, in that the woman actually stumped for votes at a Martin Luther King tribute. I mean, think about this one, folks. If a Republican had ever done something as opportunistic as that, Mr. Olbermann would have placed him/her onto that "Worst Persons" list PRONTO (and, yes, deservedly so). That, and, yeah, me-buckos, maybe even a "Special Comment" or two...............................................................................................P.S. This is in no way meant to absolve Fox and their mean-spiritedness. This, in that, clearly, those folks continue to use loaded term after loaded term to tar Obama. I'm just trying to point out that the left-wing segment of the media has a wing-nut or two themselves - Olbermann, in principal.


  1. The democrats circular firing squad is forming...Obama,Reid and Pelosi are already in line.

    The new Democratic Party math...a majority is really a minority...go figure.

  2. Someone needs to send a bucket of Prozac over to the MSNBC offices.

    The three stooges...A.K.A Matthews,Olbermann and Maddow look absolutly suicidal.

  3. I think that Obama should do like Clinton did. I.E., distance himself from both parties. It'll be good for the country (in my opinion) and it just might save his Presidency. Needless to say, he isn't answering my calls.

  4. I agree with you about Olbermann and Maddow. Matthews, however, I do kind of respect. 1) He's not quite as liberal and 2) he doesn't ask as many puffball questions to the Dems. Last night, for instance, he eviscerated Howard Dean.

  5. I kind of agree on Matthews.He did stick it to Dean.

    Is Obama morphing into Jimmy Carter?

  6. Hey Will,how about we get some folks together and throw a baby shower for John Edwards?

  7. I agree with you guys, MSNBC lays it on thickly when it come to firing back at Republicans, and I also agree that Fox uses a lot of loaded comments but this is good for a fledgling Democracy to have, healthy opposition on both sides. What gets me is when folks from both sides blindly follow the party. I also think we as a people should not be giving the Corporations all the control. Having a law from the 1800's that say a Corporation is a person, or has bestowed upon them the rights of a person, puts us at a clear disadvantage in many ways that interfere with our daily lives. The Corporations are killing us with high prices, poisonous foods terrible medications with worse side effects, and now allowing them to pump untold sums of money (BRIBES)into our electoral system will be the worst thing for America. Now it will just be simply to spend more money than the next guy, to win an election. This can slice both ways. What if George Soros is the only one who is willing to spend tens of millions to get his guy elected? Who loses? We all do.

  8. Hey sparky,you forgot to mention the unions have the same latitude
    as corporations.

    When you use the word "corporations" who exactally do you mean? How about naming....say five that are killing us with high prices,poisonus food and terrible medications.

    And just what are the poisonus foods and terrible medications? Perhaps you could enlighten us.

  9. Let me explain something, with this new law, if foreign sovereign funds from the middle-east want to destabalize the US all they have to do is secretly start a grassroots party and pump money into it, running on all the issues from any or both sides that the people will swallow, then they win the election just like many did before, example Bloomberg buying a third run in New York. Money talks. After their candidate wins the foreign people will make laws that benefit them. Like trade agreements that outsell our local manufacturers, just like is happening now...can anyone outsell China, India Pakistan etc? Who will stop them? They will pay off all the media also's easy, it's the way Corporate operates, or do you think Rush and Hannity will refuse secret foreign money in Swiss accounts? Do you really think that the companies in America is running on American money? Have you ever heard of Citibank, HSBC(Hang Seng Bank). How about the companies who sell us everything from toothpaste to toilet paper, do you think they have a sign on wall street that they only sell stocks to Americans? Most of these companies are owned or highly invested in by foreign money...China, India, Pakistan, Dubai, England, Russia, do I need to go on?

  10. The unions are small fry, you are listening to too many Republicans who are trying to distract you, the foreign money is what we have to be careful of. How do you know which company will use foreign money..???.. you don't. That's a big problem. Do you remember 9/11? This will achieve more destruction. Suppose AIG is mad at you for all the trouble we gave them? They can pump money into elections and get their own croneys in there. That is just the beginning, we have sold America to the foreign money and we have a big sign up to invite them. Wake up bro, you may be working for the Chinese your own country.

  11. You stll have'nt answered the questions I asked?

    Until you do what you say holds zero water.

    You sound like Obama....all talk.

  12. Hey Will.I'm leaning your way on Chris Matthews.

    Did you see him frost Alan Grayson's ass tonight?

    He may have to move to Fox soon.

  13. Rusty asks..."How about naming....say five that are killing us with high prices,poisonus food and terrible medications.
    And just what are the poisonus foods and terrible medications? Perhaps you could enlighten us"

    Interview by your boy, Joe Scarborough, Bayer knowingly sold AIDS tainted medication in America and around the world. What does your Aspirin contain...

    2) Aspartame, a toxic sweetener is sold in more than 5000 products including your favorites, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Ice cream, yogurt, Nutrasweet, etc
    Who got this killer to market? Ronald Reagan and Don Rumsfeld...Google it.


    Pfizer pays 2.3 Billion in damages. Now why would they do a thing like that?

    4) MSG is sold in some of your kids favorite snacks, do you know what it does?

    If you need more proof...let me know. Any price you pay for these poisons is too high, don't you think?

  14. Sport,you need to double up on the meds,and get a new tin foil hat.

  15. why? was the info not enuff for u 2 understand? education is not a bad thing. I just skimmed the surface, these are the known companies who try to look good to the public, when you research the smaller unknown companies you will be blown away... you Repubs don't like gay people right?.. so what causes them to be that way? Are there possible outside influences? Side effects from these poisons in everyone's foods over the last 100 years? Seek and u shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you. Research, educate, celebrate bro. Look at your own status, you obviously are too unwilling to do the work and research enough to educate a result everyone....except me, thinks you are stupid, and you obviously don't think that you want your status to change, as shown by your enthusiastic willingness to remain uneducated in life around you and ignore all the evidence I just gave you. Now mind you, I am not speaking of you having a college education, for all I know you may have a Masters or your Doctorate, I am talking about quality of life issues and education...something you repubs love to talk about but infrequently pursue.

  16. Hey guys, good discussion. I just got back from surgery this morning. Nothing major but I am little wobbly. Kind of like the 2 political parties, huh?

  17. Hey Will,
    Hope you're ok. re:like our two political parties-good point.
    If you had them snipped off,you'd be like the Dems.
    If you had your brain removed,you'd be like the Reps.

  18. I just got back from surgery...

    Will, had no idea, especially since the usual shit of daily life has been sort of crazy the last couple of days on my end of things. Hope you are felling better. Of course the most important question is did you have any hot babes as nurses?

  19. Heather and Nicole. Young enough to be my daughters but, yes, me-buckos, extremely blistering!


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