Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's Hope That This Time He Means It

While he didn't do it with much in terms of fanfare, the President (tonight, in his State of the Union speech) did in fact reintroduce his stated commitment to eliminate the dreaded "don't ask/don't tell". Oh well, better frigging late than never, I guess.........................................................................................P.S. Seriously, though, we have tens of thousands of brave American men and women who are MORE than willing to serve.....and the only way that they CAN serve is to shut their mouths. I ask you. Isn't it about time that we changed this thing? The young people of the country are ready - more than ready. It's time for the generals to readjust, period.


  1. Oh come on Hart. How important in the great scheme of things is DADT? How many people does it really effect. This is just one more of those liberal litmus test symbols. Totally superficial: something the Left can hang it hat on. It's an inconsequential dodge so BHO can continue to play ball with the corporations.

  2. Will I have always been a fan of Bill Clinton (Vigil hates him even more than he hates BHO)and I was shocked and disappointed when he instituted don't ask etc. When I heard our fine president announce that it was going out the window I applauded. Good post man!

  3. I don't know why Mike tries to start fights with me because he never wins them.

    I will never - I expect - regret voting for either Clinton or Obama. But Clinton turned out to be a sap. I'm still hopeful about Obama. Of course.

  4. I think it's extremely important, Vig I( gay rights is a HUGE issue for me). And as far as his motivation goes, I don't know, I really can't speak to it. All I know is that he's doing the right thing now. Isn't that enough?........I applauded, too, Mike. Just like I did when he got rid of that stupid federal ban on stem cell research (another huge issue, in my mind). I mean, come on, these are landmark decisions he's making here, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, JFK calibre decisions. You better believe I'm proud of the President (though, yes, like Vig, I reserve the right to criticize him on other issues).

  5. I like the way that you guys argue, btw. It's civil and you always keep it to the issues. I swear, I've been to some other sites where the debates can get very nasty. I much, MUCH, perfer it this way.


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