Saturday, January 9, 2010

Far, Far, FAR, Beyond Good and Evil

Lawrence O'Donnell - now there's another piece of work. And, yes, me-buckos, damned if he doesn't continuously try to improve upon it. Just last night (for example), while substituting for Keith Olbermann, Mr. O'Donnell, in noting that (NRC chairman) Michael Steele's possible successor was once a member of a white's only country-club, also stipulated this little gem of a gem (I'm paraphrasing, of course): "I don't know, though. Republicans don't necessarily seem all that impressed with the country-club types anymore, even if they DO practice racism." And, yes, me-buckos, the fact that he says the bulk of this stuff so coldly/matter of factly, it's all, ALL-TOGETHER creepy, I'm thinking (Olbermann-like, too - pretty near)...............................................................................................P.S. Add to this the fact that Joy Behar apparently doesn't think that Sarah Palin's supporters (of which I - albeit somewhat smitten - am NOT one) are capable of, HELLO!, reading! and, yeah, one could easily get the impression here that both sides just might need to tone it down a notch (this, I'm saying, as opposed to only those racist, illiterate Republicans).


  1. Did that rascal Harry Reid actually call Obama a negreo?
    I mean if he did....thems fightin words.

  2. Apparently he did, Rusty. Though I'm sure that all is forgiven. It usually is within the club. I am kind of curious of what Cliffy thinks, though.

  3. Rusty? Hmmmm....I think I know Rusty. Be careful Will that you don't allow that darn camel to put his nose under your tent:-)

  4. I gather you gentlemen have already met. LOL Might I suggest a beer (or 12)?


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