Saturday, January 30, 2010

The 400 Dollar Haircut/Gorilla/Lying Sack of Shit in the Room

There have been a lot of words used of late to describe John Edwards; cad, dog, liar, etc.. Might you also allow me to add stooge/hypocrite? This, in that, please, correct me if I'm wrong here, but wasn't Edwards one of those self-righteous politicians who was quick to harshly criticize President Clinton for HIS indiscretions? And, yes, didn't he, Edwards, also make it a point to constantly underscore the validity of his own family life/parade his own wife/kids around as if they were nothing but frigging props, for Christ? I don't know, folks, I personally seem to recall a lot of this...........................................................................................Oh, and, P.S., just for the record, I've been a strong defender of Edwards in the past. Last year (or was it the year before, I don't remember), when Edwards was having that big battle of his with O'Reilly (the one about the homeless veterans), I was with Senator Edwards one hundred percent (I devoted numerous posts to this issue). I was with him because 1) HE was telling the truth and 2) O'Reilly was being a God-damned jerk and a liar. You know, kind of like Mr. Edwards is being NOW.


  1. Like the President said, Sunshine is a disinfectant, and it certainly brings a lot of things to light, eh?

  2. It certainly does. And what a monstrous disappointment to all of those people who believed in him. Unfriggingbelievable.

  3. Hey Will, where's CRusty? Haven't seen him for a while...

  4. Hubris is a real bitch and the pursuit of power can blind the best of us. And honestly, despite how much I did liked the guy one time, Edwards was far from the best.

  5. I'm not sure where he's blogging now, Teeluck. He'll be back, though, if for no other reason than to mix it up with Mr. Cliffy.....You may be right about Edwards, double b. According to that new Halperin/Heilmann book, the guy didn't even read. Kind of like a male, compassionate (though that may have been fake, too) version of Palin, in other words. Obama is clearly much smarter.

  6. he fooled us all...most of us anyway


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