Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Starkness/Humanity of It

Let's do a quick check-list here, folks. Israel has a free and open press (one in fact that is frequently critical of the government). The Palestinians, not so much. Israel has one of the most respected supreme courts of all the countries on the planet, one in fact that frequently rules AGAINST the military. The Palestinians, not so much. Israelis posses freedom of speech, where people can speak out freely AGAINST the government. The Palestinians, not so much (just being suspected of colluding with Israel will bring upon your quick demise). Israel agreed to the Peel Commission compromise (an agreement that was actually quite unfair to them) of 1937. The Palestinians, not so much. Israel agreed to the UN partition plan (passed overwhelmingly, 33-14 - only thuggish, rogue elements dissenting) of 1948. The Palestinians (who, along with the Arab countries, immediately attempted to annihilate Israel), not so much. Israel agreed to the 2000 Bill Clinton-brokered peace agreement (an agreement that even Prince Bandar thought was generous to the Palestinians). The Palestinians, not so much. Israel does not intentionally target civilians. Yes, Palestinian civilians are killed. But that is more the fault of the terrorists who effeminately hide behind women and children (this, in that they WANT Palestinian civilians killed for propaganda purposes). The Palestinians, not so much. I mean, I could go on here. But I think that my point has definitely been made............................................................................................P.S. I want to make this perfectly clear, folks. I am personally IN FAVOR of a Palestinian state (and, no, I don't mean by that, Jordan). Their forefathers had a strong connection to the land of Palestine, too. But, yes, the way that I see it, if your side went as far as to support Adolph Hitler (in WW2) and Saddam Hussein (in the first Gulf War), you may not necessarily be in the best position to dictate the terms anymore. Not in my reality, anyway.

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