Thursday, November 19, 2009

Something in the Vents Over at Fox, I Guess

Charles Krauthammer - now there's another angry dude. I mean, seriously, have you seen him of late? The guy's on Fox News's "Special Report" pretty much every night. And when I say that this fellow doesn't particularly like President Obama, yeah, folks, that's about a ten on the understatement scale. This, in that, no, he doesn't seem to like a damned thing that the President is doing...............................................................................................Now, clearly, Mr. Krauthammer isn't anywhere near the idiot that Bartlebee and Leeds, etc. are (partisan shills on the far-left blogosphere). But, yes, in terms of his unyielding approach to a lot of these complex issues, he's definitely in the ballpark. This, to the point of his almost being unwatchable at times. Seriously!................................................................................................P.S. I ended up doing some research on Krauthammer and, yeah, there were in fact some surprises. The fellow was actually a Democrat for a while. He served in the Carter administration and, later, wrote speeches for candidate Mondale (in 1980). He's STILL an editor over at the New Republic (considered by most to be a left of center publication). And, yes, believe it or not, his personal opinions are hardly Republican orthodoxy; liberal on social issues, moderate on the economy, etc. (this, though, he has bought into a lot of the neocon agenda). As for that syndicated column he writes, even that is considered by most to be cutting edge/iconoclastic. Perplexing, huh?

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