Friday, November 6, 2009

Robert E. Who?

I really wish that we could get away from terms like victory and defeat. This, in that they literally don't make sense anymore. They're archaic, obsolete, and, hell, folks, even frigging dangerous at times. But, still, politicians (from Bush to McCain to Obama) continue to seduce us with them. It's like, what, does Senator McCain (who I continue to have respect for, believe it or not) actually think that these Taliban lunatics will one day throw up the white flag - a la Appomattox Court House/Yorktown? He must. This, in that I never hear him decipher it any differently.........................................................................................But, really, don't you think that maybe we need to start reassessing here, start to get a little more realistic in our objectives, especially? The thing is, folks, we're never going to be able to get rid of all the terrorists. We have a better chance of getting rid of cockroaches (remember that tired old joke about Tanya Tucker?). And we're never going to be able to manage third-world countries, either. The sooner we realize this fact, the better..........................................................................................P.S. This is not to imply that we, as a nation, are powerless. We're not. And, yes, folks, this absolutely affirms a strong role for the military. But just like when you go after those cockroaches, you have to be not just aggressive but smart. Yes, we need to kill as many of those mother-effers as we possibly can. But, so, too, we have to be careful 1) not to end up creating more of them and 2) not to alienate the rest of the frigging world as well. And, really, folks, where has it ever been stated that we constantly have to "fix" these countries (they're not frigging Germany and Japan, damn it!)? Just getting rid of that notion alone would help SIGNIFICANTLY, I'm thinking.

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