Sunday, November 1, 2009

Politics EQUALS Hypocrisy Equals Politics....Equals Hypocrisy........Equals Politics................

Not that I can prove it, obviously. But, I'm telling you, if the Iraq and Afghan wars had been started (and, yes, mismanaged, too) by a Democratic President (a President Gore, a President Bradley, whoever) many of these same Republican lawmakers who have consistently championed war ( a lot of whom probably WEREN'T internationalists a decade or so ago) would have absolutely crucified that President. And, yes, folks, they would have been saying virtually the same things that the anti-war Dems have been saying for the past 6-8 years; it's a waste of American life, it costs too much, it actually makes us less secure, etc., etc.. I mean, HELL-FIRE, I can almost here 'em now..........................................................................................P.S. I just thought of an empirical counterpart; the Republican criticism of President Clinton's Kosovo bombing campaign. They frigging didn't care for that at all. Remember? Hell, I didn't care for it, either, but, please, at least I try to be consistent. I try.


  1. Will,
    I take flak from my antiwar friends at the gym who are Obama supporters.I'd be a hypocrite if I stopped opposing both wars as strongly as I did under Bush.
    Partisan politics is a curse,man.It really is.And I absolutely agree with what you're saying.

  2. I take flak, too, me-bucko. The same thing with don't ask-don't tell. I'm still against THAT, too.


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