Saturday, November 14, 2009

Human Phlegm

To say that Bartlebee is a crazed nut is way, WAY, TOO generous (not to mention an insult to all of those crazy nuts as well). This frigging guy, folks, is TOTALLY OFF the charts. And the fact that he hasn't met a conspiracy theory that doesn't laminate him - that, I'm informing you..........................................................................................I mean, it's almost as if he can't see beyond his own frigging proboscis, for Christ! Just get a load of this one (for example). If you completely disagree with the guy, you're a "right-wing" troll. If you partially disagree with him, you're a "concern" troll. If, however, you totally AGREE with him, well, then you're nothing but a liar - this, in that you're only doing so to convince him that you're fair/balanced. You're not MEANING what you're SAYING, in other words. Talk about not being able to win, huh?..................................................................................Of course, so, too, is everything written in black and white. There's only right and wrong (him/his views always being the former, of course), only good and evil, only good guys (heroes) and bad guys (villains), only liberals and conservatives. And when I way there is nothing in between, I mean....there is NOTHING in between. No nuance - NONE!....................................................................................And, yes, in addition to all of this lunacy/simple-mindedness, you also have a person whose emotional intelligence is equally compromised. I point specifically to the fact that you simply cannot disagree with him. I'm serious, folks. He is in fact....just like a child in this regard. This, in that, yes, if you do have the temerity to put forth a contrary viewpoint, he WILL attack you, label you (refer to above), tear apart your integrity/motivation, and, yes, me-buckos, that's when the conspiracy theorizing starts to get real scary. The latest? I swear to God, people - he's now saying that Voltron and I are one and the frigging same. Youza vi youza, huh?..............................................................................................P.S. I am going to take his advice, though. The next time that a creditor starts to hassle me and shit, I'll just say to the guy, "Hey, buddy, I'm not broke. I'm only underfunded."


  1. and follow up with "Besides I'm too big to fail".

  2. I'm only underfunded.

    In the intellectual department ... yes indeedy ... totally underfunded there me buckos.

  3. Clif's definition of stupidity? Anybody who disagrees with him....And, yes, Osos, that is an extremely important point you make . I think I need to impress that upon them, as well. LOL


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